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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. I got mine legit since I knew they would find a way to catch modders.
  2. Maybe.
  3. Make mine, The next Usain Bolt, lololollolollollololllollollololl i cant wait to be Jamaican!!! EDIT:: JKJK I LIKE MINE
  4. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2227/38/37/1380384571/n1380384571_30134138_7627.jpg ex
  5. Happy freakin birthday jesus, 7 shots of liquor, 6 kegs of beer, 5 golden beers!!!
  6. my finger got stung by a wasp today. lol
  7. Thank you, +5 rep.
  8. All I really want is a blue halo 3 odst signature with REDSTAR 105 on it. The reward is +5 rep and bacon, lots and lots of bacon. PM me if you made it, if there is more than one, the ones i dont pick will get 3 and 1 rep. Thank you very much, ~Redstar
  9. 8/10 Very well done, just too dark.
  10. Keep a mounted camera outside my window all day, post the video on youtube the next day, and watch the mayans get owned.
  11. Look at his account name, lock and ban, no good coming from him. But it's your decision.
  12. wait, how much does the bot you use cost.
  13. Love it, it looks a lot more organized.
  14. I pre-ordered from gamestop waiting in the line to play halo 3 odst.
  15. What do you mean by that?
  16. Wait, you could've just told me to add that.
  17. Yea sure ill probably buy one. But, I'll need to get money in a paypal acc.
  18. Lol, this is the website i have been using since the beginning of the year.
  19. Really guys, its not going to be that hard to get it.
  20. Dude, they have the WHOLE CAMPAIGN on youtube.
  21. Dreamscape rulez
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