They're designed to look good. That's it If you're an arty person, you get a Mac. If you have any form of inteligence, you get Windows, or Linux/Unix if you're really L33t
Yeah. I wish I had my own section for random PSP games/apps I release Seriously, I've released loads here, and I think I'm making the "handhelds" section look messy
Ever wanted to run the matrix on your PSP? Now you can! :laugh: Speed-up/slow-down the matrix with the L and R triggers. Pause and continue the matrix with the X button. Change display modes with the Square button. Press any other button to exit! should be attached, and source is included, as normal.
Yeah, the best way would probably turn it into an image, and have all your text links at the bottom of the page. And a few watermarks over the text would be a good idea. Or maybe even comments in the image file...
What?! To display anything in the browser, it needs to be told what to display by HTML. If you use Javascript and you expect it to change anything within the page, it must edit HTML. A page with no source won't show up. simple And what do you mean by a page written by javascript"? If it's written by javascript, but there's no source code, what the hell did your javascript write?! If you can point me to a page with no source, I'll believe you. But until then, I'm just gonna call you an idiot
Severe bumpage going on here... And if anyone actually cares, the devision works strangely on the PSP. The way I did it was as follows:
void printHex( unsigned long color, int x1, int y1, char *str)
char message[999];
unsigned r1;
unsigned g1;
unsigned b1;
unsigned a1;
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
unsigned char a;
if( strlen( str ) < 800 ) {
sprintf( message, "%s", str);
} else {
sprintf( message, "String too big (%d chars)", strlen(str) );
r1 = color & 0xFF000000;
g1 = color & 0x00FF0000;
b1 = color & 0x0000FF00;
a1 = color & 0x000000FF;
a = (char)(a1);
b = (char)(b1 >> ;
g = (char)(g1 >> 16);
r = (char)(r1 >> 24);
pspDebugScreenSetTextColor((a * 0x1000000) + (b * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + (r));
Yep. Very weak processors... Recommend using an offline PC for video-editing. Offline so you don't have to bother with anti-virus software stealing all your system's resources.
lol at whoever -rep'd him Why would you +rep boost in the first place? you can say sorry all you want, but most people here would probably go on your post count rather than your rep, and since you have like 3 posts, nobody's really gonna care what your rep is, are they?
What do you mean by modding commands onto screenshots? Do you mean like make the description say the time and controller 1's gamertag? Or console commands?
It looks quite good, and there haven't been many Halo 3 usermap mods lately. It's a shame lots of it is host-only... Could someone download this from bungie and then upload it to rapidshre or something?