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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. Uhh... What part of "It won't resign usermaps" don't you people get!
  2. it's easy, if you have access to a resigner...
  3. It's been done before on a few other mods, why not again?
  4. I believe it blows up immediately, so even if you could, it wouldn't really be drivable.
  5. miinaturvat


    umm... what does this have to do with halo 3 modding?
  6. So do you know what the public key is? Or at least what it is encrypting?
  7. The whole file? It can't be encrypting the whole file, it's only 128 bytes. It may be encrypting some funky hash of most of the file
  8. It's not the profile and console ID i want to be able to resign... It's the damn RSA encryption! I can't figure out what it's encrypting! If you can crack that, i'll be impressed
  9. Brilliant map If only i could do that...
  10. That doesn't help in any way, plus the first half of that is wrong... Did you get that from the free60 thingy on wiki? Does anyone actually understand the whole process of resigning that is willing to tell me please?
  11. I'm not trying to flame or offend anyone here but... If you're dumb enough to download that, you deserve to get the virus No offence...
  12. Oh. sorry CON public key
  13. I know bits of it... I don't understand the whole thing, but i would like to.
  14. Title pretty much explains it... What is actually involved in resigning?
  15. I thought you understood RSA...
  16. Nicely done! Can i ask what re-signer you used? Or did you give it to someone else to resign?
  17. Is this by any chance the XSS thingy? Or maybe the 360GS thingy?
  18. Well, that's not a very nice thing to say, is it? I is just askin
  19. Plus, we can already get all the achievements through gamesaves. I still fail to see why public CON resigning will be the downfall of live... ...other than there being way too many modded forge variants out there...
  20. I have a few questions... 1. At what offset can i find the CRC hash? 2. Does anyone know the public key for the RSA thingy? and will they let me know? Any help would be great
  21. lol Maybe he got bored and is doing something else now...
  22. Does that mean you might tell me how the SHA1 hash is created?
  23. Basically, there is a SHA1 hash at offset 0x032C. I have no idea how it is calculated (If i knew that, i could play modded forge maps! )
  24. It lags a bit. Quite a lot, actually
  25. It wouldn't be that hard to make one... ...if someone would tell me HOW THE SHA1 HASH AT 0x032C IS CREATED!!! But still. Good work
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