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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. umm... what?!?!?!
  2. Thanks Wasn't sure what the campaign levels were called, so it helped!
  3. And what's ment to be on this site?
  4. This one might help I didn't really like the colors in your one (no offence) but this is the one i made quite a while ago. It has all the maps, but i completely missed out warthog gausses (i don't know why ). It would be good if someone can be bothered merging the two together.
  5. How is it fake? It hasn't been done yet...
  6. Maybe they found the offsets of the hashes and found how they were calculated... If this is so, then they are able to resign maps Or maybe they can't and are just lying... But still... Maybe they did
  7. That would be quite a cool idea They'd have to get some decent maps first... All the one's that have been leaked aren't that good. Just random stuff everywhere But still a cool idea.
  8. After i created an account, it said i'm not authorised to view that page... Why? Could i possibly borrow a temp account? Or could you help me fix it please? Thanks.
  9. lol Probably not worth it in the end...
  10. He's selling them for M$ Points? I think that's against the terms and conditions made by Bungie... How do you give M$ points anyway?
  11. It's not a good thing to leak maps! If you're leaking them, you're giving them away without the owner's concent. Think what it would be like if someone leaked what you spent aged trying to achieve!
  12. That would work, if you had a resigned an unresigned version of the same map. Now how would one go about obtaining these i wonder... Suppose you could ask Anthony nicely if he would do that for you...
  13. Do you mean like modding so that you can win double XP? Because that's cheating, and i don't approve of cheating.
  14. so nobody knows where the hashes are, or how they are calculated...
  15. It's a cool mod, but if you save the map again in forge, all the mods disappear! There are no weapons on the map, so it would only really be good for infection or similar... Still pretty cool though
  16. I'll try getting some pics in a few days. EDIT: by 'a few days', i meant 'a couple of minuits'
  17. lol I bumped it 5 pages!
  18. This doesn't really have anything to do with modding...
  19. the links to the Standoff, Valhalla and Vallhalla V2 are dead...
  20. Really? I'll go ask him
  21. ever tried using the search button?
  22. Why are you posting it now when nobody can play it? atleast wait for the ability to resign the map files...
  23. people with CON reigners
  24. It does resign them. It's just that there is more to it than just resigning it. resigning doesn't calculate new hashes for all the alogrythems, it just re-signs it (hence the name 'resigner').
  25. Does anyone actually know the offsets of these hashes? or even how they are calculated?
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