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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. No, you don't. you need the CON resigner to change the file and make it work again. you can change it all you want without a CON resigner, it just won't work
  2. I don't think he was being serious...
  3. I'm telling you it doesn't work like that! If you spawn anything then when you save it, you will loose the mod! It's really not a good way to mod!
  4. Could have just been nicely photoshopped... Still cool though
  5. You know what would be a cool map? A canvas of the pit! There are 2 barriers and a crate that you can't normally delete, but i made a modded usermap where they are gone. If you want, i could upload it so you can resign it. It would be the first ever blank forge variant of the Pit!
  6. Having an XPort or XSATA doesn't allow you to be able to mod...
  7. Do you have an XPort360, XSATA or anything else that can read from a SATA connection? 'cause you'll need one...
  8. They're not really modding programs, are they...
  9. That really is quite a bad idea... It'd be cool if it worked though...
  10. so... what dos this have to do with modding?
  11. The link is at the top of the page... Why do you need it sent to you?
  12. It wouldn't... But, it may try to play an un-resigned map, due to a lack of security.
  13. You're not really giving any 'modding' programs, are you?
  14. Lol. I'm still jot sure what he was asking...
  15. Did what? and how is it cheap?
  16. I feel like going to germany! but anyway, this is a really cool mod!
  17. Lol. so i ansered the question, then i asked what the question was! I'm magic!
  18. Why? What do you need it for?
  19. lol That's a good way of explaining CON files
  20. I think he means doing the campaign to get the achievements...
  21. Oh right. In fact, I've already made one as an 'Openoffice' spreadsheet, but it's not very good... This one will probably be better than mine
  22. You know it's possible because other people have created modded maps like 'Valhalla V1 and V2' for example. It's definitely possible... ...just not many people know how...
  23. What do you mean by 'new map tags'? I'll happily help if i could understand what you're asking...
  24. Tag list? a tag list for what, might i ask?
  25. If you use this method, then when you next want to spawn a mongoose, you will loose the mod. What you need to do is swap the 8-byte hex string after the mongoose tag with the 8-byte hex string after the warthog tag (it's already in there). This way, when you save the map after playing it, the mod will still be there!
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