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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. I always thought it was a pig face... I remember playing halo 3 for the first time at my friends house, and I kept asking what the 'pig face grenades' do
  2. http://www.microsoft.com/express/vb/ You can get VB 2008 Express (basically VB.NET) for free there.
  3. What's the point? It's not that difficult to do, and takes no skill at all. It has no real purpose other than proof that it can be done, which has been proven many times before... Why would you even want this map?
  4. I don't think you understood my post correctly, nor do you understand the item limit...
  5. Yea I tryed that, got it resigned, it never worked In which way didn't it work?
  6. Foundry canvas, but able to spawn 100 of every item, instead of the usual limit. It's been rehashed, as you can probably tell...
  7. Or, map canvasses with real unlimited budget, not just glitched. Well... You can't have unlimited budget, so just set it to $999999999 or something... It would be handy for people making maps.
  8. Well, this has turned into a nice spam and flame war, hasn't it? Anyone can do this. No need to argue.
  9. You won't need to use a 'IP nuker', just open up command prompt: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20184-377.png That'll annoy them
  10. A foundry canvas with the ability to spawn 100 of everything! Instead of having a limit of 8 mongooses and 24 double boxes... I've already made one and rehashed it, just needs resigned. Have it if you want
  11. Quick! Someone flood ping their server!
  12. Why is this a sticky? Whoever is dumb enough to download and run this without virus scanning deserves to get a virus
  13. What do you mean by 'first HEX map'? Do you mean there are evil witches casting hexes on anyone who plays it?
  14. Well... The rehasher doesn't make it look identical, it just makes the XBOX believe it's a legit file. A rehasher wil re-hash all the SHA1 algorithms.
  15. Do you mean the mazes with the trip mines? If so, i could upload them to my fileshare maybe...
  16. Even if it's not a mod, it's still pretty cool. It must have took ages I'm gonna have to try it...
  17. what would the ventrilo server do?
  18. You daid the part that says '4D5307E6' is dependent on your gamertag, but it's actually the part that reads 'EED4C9739DE237BE'. '4D5307E6' is the game folder. 'EED4C9739DE237BE' is your gamertag. Other than that, really good
  19. It's really not that difficult if you know how to use a hex editor you dumb a**
  20. Everyone already has a screenshot editor. It's called MS paint
  21. It would be good Does someone keep deleting my posts?
  22. Don't call bungie retarded! They made Halo 3, remember? If bungie wasn't there, nobody would be able to mod Halo 3
  23. Not really, unless the modified item is meant to be listed in the CON file... EG. if there is a mod on the pit with a warthog, since there is already one there, you can save changes without it being deleted. You can't forge it, but it's listed in the CON file. On Avamod, you can't because those things aren't, and i know of no way to save without the mods being removed.
  24. If there was a real CON resigner being released, the last place it would be released is on Youtube It's probably a virus.
  25. What do you mean you found a resigner? What type of resigner? And how did you find it?
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