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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. That's a lot of maps Could be fun
  2. Assuming you just managed to trade and get a CON resigner (instead of getting ripped off), would you actually know how to resign anything? It's not just resigning that needs to be done, you know. And superasion's rehasher won't rehash anything but 116kb forge variants. The question is: What would you actually do with a CON resigner?
  3. miinaturvat

    My Resigner

    Just drop it, Sean! Your little hoax failed! Stop trying to get your post count up by arguing when you everybody knows you're wrong!
  4. miinaturvat

    My Resigner

    I thought this would have been a silly question, but... Have you actually tried running the supposed "Xbox Map Resigner"?!
  5. miinaturvat

    My Resigner

    So you have a flashed DVD drive and a custom kernel on your 360, do you? 'cause that's what you'll need to play any maps you've claimed to have resigned... Someone should really lock this...
  6. miinaturvat

    My Resigner

    ...even though the link to the resigner is "Xbox_CON_Resigner" and it only claims to have a ".MAP Resigner"... which is like 500 times bigger than it should be... Face it. It's completely fake.
  7. miinaturvat

    How do you...

    What's with the link to the program that shuts down your PC? Are you expecting us to believe it's some sort of resigner?
  8. miinaturvat

    My Resigner

    LOL It's impossible to resign maps atm. All this does is shut down your PC (I tried it on my other PC)
  9. miinaturvat

    How do you...

    Make sure the screenshot you want to mod is a .jpg. Take a screenshot with halo 3, and move that screenshot to your PC through xport or xsata. Open up the screenshot CON and your screenshot with a hex editor. If you go down to offset 0xE148 in the CON, you'l see something like " JPG", that's the starting of the real screenshot. Simply copy your screenshot data and overwrite the CON's screenshot data. Make sure the CON one ends with "_eof" and a load of nulls. Then rehash, resign and put on your Xbox
  10. possibly the date the Xbox was made... But the first one was the one I had no idea about. Can anyone explain that one?
  11. I'll tell you now... That was actually a screenshot. Every single CON file resigned with my Xbox always has that exact same header. Just the same as anything resigned with the XSS resigner has bX803401-001 and 02-06-06. I really doubt it has anything to do with the date...
  12. Just like they have game save sharing sites, you could have a usermap sharing site
  13. How is X813925-001 a "CON magic Int"?!?! and I did not make this on 08-03-07; I know It's definitely not a date.
  14. Why do you want to spawn some sky, anyway? Seems a bit unusual...
  15. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/24003-206.png The image sort of explains my problem... Those two strings seem to change when the CON file is signed by a different person/console., but what do they mean?
  16. Hrmm... Looks like a load of random stuff has been placed everywhere... Mods like these are sometimes cool and fun, but they really aren't that hard to do. If you want to make a good mod, get a good idea and make a fun playable mod, instead of just placing random stuff everywhere
  17. miinaturvat


    Do you know how the resigner works, or are you just the type of guy who is happy using it and doesn't care how it works?
  18. miinaturvat


    Why is it that most of the people who can mod, don't!
  19. This post has just reminded me! I have one of those! Except it's red... But still! I think it's under my bed somewhere... ----------------------------------------------------- Found it! Can't find the drivers, though... Does anyone have the drivers for this please?
  20. What are you going to trade? I can make 1 month accounts...
  21. miinaturvat


    He probably just found XSS and thinks it'll resign usermaps, but he wants to keep it secret (even though about 1000 people are there now )
  22. This is quite funny How do you think it works?
  23. If you mean the actual .MAP files, go to http://files.xboxsoftmods.org/ to download them. You'll need an account to download, though, so use this one: Username: spam Password: spam I'm not sure if i'm allowed to link to that page... If not, please tell me
  24. Thanks for the 'heads up' When I'm able to mod, I'll be keeping it private and probably offline.
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