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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. Maybe the save was corrupt... try downloading it again. Did you rehash the save first?
  2. Version 2.0 is now up. See top post for full details
  3. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to start with a sentinel beam... sorry Yeah... I'm fixing that bug now. I've just realised that gametypes get bigger in size if you save them more than once, exactly the same as forge variants. It will be fixed soon. At the moment, it will only work for gametypes that are 60KB in size.
  4. This works straight from the CON file, as you can probably tell where it says 'Open Gametype CON'...
  5. Yeah, what he said. In your text editor, It probably tries to read in 'text', (hence the name ) and since most of the usermap can't actually be read as text, your text editor will stop reading.
  6. Halo 3 Gametype Editor V3.0 Just a simple gametype editor. It will allow you to edit start-up weapons, respawn time, number of rounds, the gametype's name, description and author, and profile and device ID. It has a built-in rehasher and resigner; make sure a valid keyvault called 'KV.bin' is in the same directory as the program or it won't resign. Screenshot: http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/8813/screen1zt0.png What's new: This will now work with every type of gametype and every size of gametype (including 64KB ones ) Now correctly saves the variant name unlike before, where it edited the wrong one. Only opens Gametype CONs. Now displays a highlighted image of the gametype you have loaded The file should be attached to this post. Happy gametype editing Credits: EasyB for the whitepaper needed to compete this app. Shade, who's keyvault I used. I hope I'm allowed to but if you don't want it there, just tell me to remove it Superaison for a few C# classes that saved a lot of time H3GametypeEditorV3.0.zip
  7. Let me finish that... Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute, illegal to own the illegally distributed copy
  8. Well, now there are... You could change the coordinates of some objects, but since we won't know what any of the tags are, it won't be of much use
  9. There aren't any forge variants on that page...
  10. Way to bump a really old topic... It was a lot of weapons when I seen them in the instruction manual
  11. Just goes to show you that there are still idiots out there that will play an unreleased game ONLINE! What a pillock
  12. 1-shot-kill infection
  13. I made a proggy to do it. Just look around for the H3 usermap splitter/merger
  14. Who is everyone? I didn't... But thanks anyway
  15. It's not just in sidewinder, it's in all of them (All the one's i've bothered looking in ) It's probably an easter egg for smart people
  16. VB2008 Express It's not my fault that I take the easy path! Yes, but this will make life simpler If you use the extracted .MAP with Sandbox then yes.
  17. Umm... What does this really have to do with anything? I thought everyone already knew this...
  18. I agree. It does get very annoying seeing noobs flooding the forums with their crap maps
  19. I'm pretty sure the old version of this actually worked as a full CON resigner... Am I mistaken?
  20. On blackout, there's a room (I think it's called the rec room) that's impossible to get into normally... It's like a 3D death barrier in the form of a room Get a teleporter in there. You could be the first person to ever go in there EVER!
  21. Superaison and SkateZero had a webpage that would resign for free, but now that he's totalled his car... What resigner? That would be pretty cool if it were true! As long as people don't go crazy and start putting "inappropriate" images on their fileshare...
  22. Ever wanted to be able to extract a usermap from a CON file without all that nasty business with a hex editor? Now you can, with the help of Usermap Splitter/Merger! This tool will automatically extract a usermap from a CON file, and inject a usermap back into a CON (It will need resigning after, obviously <!-- s:D --><!-- s:D --> ) This one has a blue icon <!-- s:grin: --><!-- s:grin: --> Screenshots: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26844-65.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26844-66.png Have fun splitting/merging usermaps <!-- s:grin: --><!-- s:grin: --> UsermapSplitMerge.exe
  23. Why would we pay you, if we can all get free resigns bu superaison?
  24. Shame you can only get the invincibility tag on the crap maps
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