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Everything posted by RtG_Swimmer_FS

  1. Lol I just found out that people on ***** call a nOOb, a Sligstorm lol I recently learned he has taken credit for 4 more maps One with like 25 elephants on Sandrap One with an Ageis Fate One with a missle pod stand on avalanche One on the pit with like a million hogs, some pelicans, and some hornets
  2. Step 1: Give me $500 Step 2: I go to the store Step 3: I pick up a 500 point card for 5 bucks Step 4: Stop by the bank and make a deposit Step 5: Give you the code A tutorial by II Swimmer II
  3. OK I saw this on s7vensins somewhere. A Quote by shad0w lag on behalf of this... This pertains to the Narrows mod nothing else.
  4. Eruption is a gay fag, he dosent have the mods. Don't even mention his name. He has no life and lies about everything. Just like sligstorm
  5. KHAOS I will talk to you about an awesome desighn for the pit or Rats Nest. Also anyone considered making a Blackout?
  6. Nice by the way its a door not a bridge
  7. I knew that I meant do you actually have them or is it just a film?
  8. dakhaosguy what are those screenshots you have with pelicans on the pit and shade turrets on snowbound.
  9. point me to the mango modding program?
  10. actually using HEX you can projectile swap
  11. Drop pods no and the ship is not possible as well because it is only texture. It dosent appear in Engineer or Johnson. Could you do like a warthog or mongoose with a shade turret on the back?
  12. Can someone point me in the direction of the Mango modding program
  13. grunt clones arent possible
  14. Well I was thinking and if you forge varients and change the map, then wouldnt the game have to resign the map so you could play the forge varient? I was wondering if there was a way you could get that coding from the disk. If this is impossible please close the topic but I think it might work.
  15. thats nice!
  16. That would be a nice map antwhere other than the pit.....
  17. ^^^^^Exactly same thing for me
  18. What about like in H2 when you could basically take the pelican from one map and put it in the other??
  19. Yes MFone didnt you say you were getting Rats Nest?
  20. By the way when do we get Rats Nest?
  21. Yeah the antennas are always there.
  22. Elipson????? Whats that????????
  23. Well you probably could mod your game saves so that your wearing hyabusu but you have recon on. You would need something to do that though like a resigner
  24. Dows anyone have either of the pelican mods? Preferably Rats Nest but either one will do, Im sorta writing a new series about CSI and The Army. It would be VERY useful.
  25. I didnt know there was one, Im also looking for the Standoff Weapoless Mod.
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