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Everything posted by RtG_Swimmer_FS

  1. Im positive its runescape, why would you want a rapidshare you get free downloads there.
  2. I Have one come talk to me on live when you can, howabout 8:00 today?
  3. I doubt that these are real because there would be either pics or a video. Im sorry but NOT REAL, no one is resigning for new people so......
  4. you will also need xsata/xport
  5. RtG_Swimmer_FS


    I am going to do a NAND Dump from a second 360 but I need some questions answered 1. What will happen to the second 360? 2. Is it decrypted or with the programs they have released will it have been decrypted? 3. If anyone has performed a NAND Dump what would you reccomend? 4. Is there any specific hardwear that I need to buy, if so where can I buy it?
  6. No I have two other modded gametypes, one is slayer with the author changed and has like 300 % speed but when you go to game options it saids 100%. Another is juggernaut with author changed and I forget what else.
  7. II Swimmer II I was in the party earlier and we talked I look forward to the oppertunity to test your maps.
  8. Shadow Fag is on the wrong list, so is MFone, Ibotpeaches, Sligstorm, and DJG
  9. No its real, we took the forge file from a map and put it in a slayer game type
  10. ya made by you OK. That is a complete lie
  11. noone is getting consolebanned. By the way dont release this at all k?
  12. just so you know Anth0ny made up that crap about us getting banned. He hoped we would stop modding. Bungie wont ban us cause they already know this is what we will do
  13. lolz, I found this was a rumor spread by Anth0ny to get us to stop modding. No banning will occur. So yeah close this.
  14. I wasnt warned by anyone and H3 Pyro said the same thing so I doubt this is true
  15. send it to me real quick Ill see if its real. Dont worry I already mod.
  16. as far as I can tell, the only way to stop the banning is for us to say, Bungie if you ban these people we will release the CON signer and then its H2 all over again
  17. luckily, I am not on that list. Maybe I will keep my mods to myself from now on....
  18. I high,y doubt they would do that. Ill bet they have done their research and know if they ban us we will release the CON signer
  19. lolz this is so old
  20. We don't care how much fun youj were having, you bere being a lying peice of crap. I wouldnt say please ban him if you hadnt added the text document but as you said yourself"you got punked"
  21. exactly, therefore you cant do it
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-l6I6dmsd4 [youtube:fu3e0t5b]n-l6I6dmsd4[/youtube:fu3e0t5b] mods from all of our members
  23. not possible, its kinda lake how they had shade turrets in snowbound except this time they took it away
  24. I am releasing this for two reasons, one konuf tried to trade this mod for others, and two, to get people to know me and three of my friends can mod now. Peace http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36491361 6 missle pod tripods
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