skipper I swear if you post one more time saying SOLID MODS!!!!!! I will request to nox, ambi0,ikillyou to have you removed from the clan. You are so annoying and thats why we banned you from GSM. Yes I too am in Solid Mods.
Im gonna help when he gets back from cleaning up the pool, What ill probably do is release after Im sure itll work evrytime, Really I dont even need a resigner I already know where the hash is in the file using Hex Editor, Its at 32C the SHA1 hash
and credit does not go to H3 because he saved it and it stayed there when he played forge on it. Im not sure who really made it but I believe sligstorm made it.
actually Ibotpeaches there will be a "playlist update" but thats not it. Basically bungie is changing the hashes of the maps so we will need a cmpletely new program, CON Resigner, research crap. Basically we will be right back where we started.
I talked to my clan leader, we are going to leak it when we get guardian(our next modded map) and then we will leak that when we get the next one.... Ps: yes I have don't send me friend requests begging for it.
Heres the video MFone: edit: because he is by himself and with a guest the entire time, im going to go ahead and say he might have one of those offline sighners