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Everything posted by RtG_Swimmer_FS

  1. please?
  2. RtG_Swimmer_FS


    need elite armor hex codes for 1st player. + rep to the person who gives it up
  3. Wow um thats really wierd.
  4. lolz you cant do that with the persoal unless your driving a warthog when you save you might be able to switch that out.
  5. Ok let me explain how campaign works. those personal saves are only a thing that loads your progress. You have to .map mod campaign maps like in halo 2. There is a whole lot of research to be done but all you can do now is change the load spot.
  6. ya um supermodder is JUSTREC he cant do crap
  7. no I dont have a signer and nuke isnt making an AIO.
  8. I am starting a new project for a program that will edit films, pics, and gametypes. Eventually I will add usermaps. I want to implement a signer so when I am finished if you have one and would like to be the first to test it. PM me. This is the topic where I will post pics of my project.
  9. Hey dude Im starting a project what program did you use to make this?
  10. thanks dude anyways I thought they knew because they said it over and over again
  11. ya dont think it really matters
  12. by modified NAND I meant different. as for the modded xex that is signed that would be like saying modded maps arent modded once theyre signed.
  13. well this is what the guys at xbox scene are saying.
  14. OK now many people have been asking me for my NAND dump with the private CON Key. I tell you know for two reasons 1. With my NAND dump or even part of my NAND dump you could ban my console from xbox live. 2. Con keys are unique to each xbox and mine would be no use to you. My suggestion is buy the infectus 2 chip, install it and get your own NAND dump.
  15. use mainmenu.map to get the codes I believe
  16. I am here to clear rumors about unsigned code. Dev-kits, they are xboxs with a specific modified NAND that allows them to run modified xex signed by a different key. The only way known to the public to run unsigned code is to downgrade to kernel 4532 which has an exploit called the shader exploit that allows the modder to run Linux on an xbox 360 and run unsigned code. This involves the infectus 2 chip and disabling the R6T3 resistor, you must also flash your DVD drive and obtain the original king kong game that was a origional release with the xbox 360. Upload the image to a computer and use a program that pathes the game to XeLL. Then run the game and press start. It will auto eject the game, you insert a disk with linux on it, then you have linux on you can run unsigned code. This is public knowledge so I will not hurt myself by saying this. No unmodded xbox can run unsigned code. I am unaware if you need dash 4532 as well.
  17. the only way to run unsigned code from a retail console is run the shader xploit that allows you to boot linux on a 360. PS: yes none of these can run unsigned code.
  18. no the recon game type is just fake dude. Where did you hear that crap.
  19. he does I saw screenshots of him playing on a modded pit with multiple drivable troop hogs.
  20. Redstar email it to me and ill get everything set up.
  21. the second one i believe is either the date your xbox was made or halo 3 make date. Cant remember when halo 3 was made
  22. T3ABAGGER, First off, no one listen to him he dosent know what hes talking about, there coulb be a .map resigner in the rear future, do you know how many people are working on one? also the only hard part would be getting that key peches said, shade made one cause he threatened bungie or something like that.
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