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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. what number is that for ? i know the other is like time left and leading score
  2. what's shaping ? do the ISP's in australia not let you have unlimited internet use ?
  3. you see the second video ? almost as funny to me, cause i watched the dog one too many times
  4. that's funny and true
  5. You did that with paint ???
  6. ya i was kind of thinking it was noodle too but i wasn't sure, never can know because I think 2 laptop's using internet from same wireless router have same ip
  7. how did you make it look like that though ?
  8. modding is kinda stuck
  9. hell yes it was, he screamed a lot, poor kid
  10. will you be my friend ?
  11. oh i didn't know once you clicked it you could magnify, I think for sure gay
  12. I think some ppl go ibot the rest go modz, I'm up for it once my xbox works
  13. Are you the logan from the old ibotmodz ? if so I thought you had a mop as hair
  14. can't read it
  15. might just guess your password for fun, maybe i will get it 1352h4gu9hrg982
  16. idk if i have one or not, i @#%$ing better, got it for christmas and long story, But if towel trick works is it permanent ?
  17. Yes, i have noticed we've grown a lot since i first got alexa when we were at around 200,000 and now 179,634
  18. well I'm trying to get it to work, My brother had it a long time ago and it was loads of fun Right now i have the iso and mounted and installed game and expansion nothing is working now, it won't uninstall or reinstall i might burn it to discs A character editor came with the download which would be lots of fun, I don't think if it's burnt you can play online
  19. If it's pretty cheap buy it, otherwise get a good iso and burn/mount it Not all the codes and hints worked for me, I'm not very good at RCT
  20. ok thats really dumb
  21. I waited 24 hours, I think it's here to stay
  22. Is the towel fix permanent ? and how likely am I to @#%$ up mai box doing it ? Should I do it and then sell the xbox ? Are there any other ways to fix it ?
  23. That mongoose one is seriously crazy, how did you do that ?
  24. I like the border, I like Coldplay, I like that it looks pretty simple and not overdone
  25. Really cool, sweet concept When did you start school ? Do you have summer break in like December ?
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