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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. i wish they weren't so smart so we could play it too
  2. do you just turn it on inside of them ?
  3. you have so many sword kills, i have mainly snipe kills BRs and ARs
  4. I didn't i wish i did, idk how it happened
  5. if you just skip all enemy's and do it on easy can you get there that quick ?
  6. ya i @#%$ed it up
  7. aren't there multiple holders? and do you spawn by one ? also if you make your own holder in forge would it work ?
  8. did everyone leave cause of the switch ? cause i like this setup better but i like what we had on old ibotmodz there sometimes isn't a new post when i leave for hours, especially in the cbox, it used to be filled with "how do i mod"
  9. ya dude i caught one yesterday little @#(@#* was running through my yard
  10. thats a sweet car, i wish i was good at GFX i would make you a sig
  11. my xbox 360 makes me nervous, paid 400 for it and invested another couple hundred on games and controllers, and what if it just got red rings and crap that would suck
  12. exactly, i get any programs i need from it. If you can't find it yourself fattwam can find tons of programs that work and have no virus
  13. what do you do to them ? cause it didn't seem to do that for me
  14. it says resigner map modder and johnson so he better be able to he should hurry up and release it because that would make us reborn
  15. cool, i just had a government video i had to do, i used vegas. I also make weird movies with my neighbors which i use vegas for.
  16. what did they do i didn't think they did anything
  17. thats why i want an archos
  18. Snowmon333♥

    A Name

    hahaha definitely , that would be Akons gt
  19. i would like the sandtrap one i played it with mangrif but i checked in my recent maps and sandtrap wasn't there anyone needs the high ground can just send me a request and we can play it then you will have it
  20. Snowmon333♥


    pretty cool, but i think parts of it might need more paint because i think i can see the black paint
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