Normal Games- 3d super ball spelled and ans in the description is this the kind of stuff you want ? or bigger things like brixxx ? Normal Games Page 2- Abba the Fox has double description it just repeats Normal Games Page 1- 3D Highway has double description also Casino- 5 Reel Slots has double description Casino- the top game in the description elimination is spelled ellimination
I looked for tutorials that tell you how to change the boot up image from the apple image to whatever you want but i couldn't find any. I accidentally found a way to change it though. To start out you should have an image that you want for the start up screen saved as a .bmp. There is a huge list here and if you want to make your own it is 62x78 pixels Step 1: Switch Edit Mode to iPod, and click load ipod Firmware Step 2: in IPodWizard find the apple image that is the default boot up image, it is usually around 410 in the index Step 3: Click the Load Bitmap button at the right and pick the image that you want(must be .bmp) Step 4: At the dropdown box change iPod to Firmware File and click Write to iPod When this is done do not unplug the ipod, the apple image should show up on it but then a bar under it will load, atfer that has finished you can eject it and unplug it. I am not responsible if for some reason something goes wrong
I think i'll try this, were you able to get it out of that cycle? cause if not then i'm not trying this what if i write these and then put my theme back on ? will they still be there ?