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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. ya your right
  2. Just a small suggestion, maybe we could have a friend or foe list on the right by medals and stuff or just a respect list built in on the right, what do you guys think ?
  3. I played the game on a Wii that wasn't mine and i played for probably 12 hours but i didn't get very far and it took a long time it seems to get out of your little boring town
  4. i wonder if in forge we will be able to get on top of the sniper tower or the lift tower
  5. I can't do easy, and i'm sober
  6. i will actually buy this one
  7. ok cool
  8. no one should need to mod in Halo 3 matchmaking, but some dumb people will go in and do it
  9. ya i turned off my sound before i watched it
  10. how did you make things stay in the air slanted like that ?
  11. thanks i will hopefully
  12. I'm gonna be in Arizona until monday, cya guys then
  13. also i couldnt delete it for some reason, but its invisible i also couldnt move it from my desktop though
  14. forge don't you change the things place on the map but thats it ?
  15. YES !! Bungie is very smart, i am so glad its back
  16. why are the pictures different ?
  17. cat n mouse was fun so was hide n seek and mike meyers and la migra (border patrol)
  18. lol, wow idk if i would do that, my parents might find it suspicious that i'm sitting at a new computer
  19. well from looking at Halomodder's sig it looks like he can mod halo 3, so why don't we see any mods ? and if you don't actually mod why do you have all that ?
  20. oh crap i had found some while playing but forgot, i will test some out
  21. i only noticed you active recently
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