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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. so close 758
  2. read some of their posts in the thing steven posted they are hilarious, they keep saying how they are going to be famous and stuff
  3. i hate vehicles so sidewinder i already don't think i will like
  4. i never completely got the story so its kinda dumb to me and i suck
  5. cookies ? i'll be right there
  6. Oh My F***in God HES!!!!! NOT!!! A!!!! MODDER!!!!! He can not mod he only has mods like snowbound because sligfag gave them to him HE CANT MOD!!!! I KNOW MORE ABOUT MODDING THEN HIM AND IM F***ING 10 AND HES A TEEN!!!!!! you need to settle down
  7. how come they get mad about mods being released ?
  8. how does he steal them ?
  9. how come some maps have the real name some have a different one ?
  10. what map ?
  11. I only have one problem with the theme, you can read the dark green color of my name and VIP, but regular members sometimes their names are hard to read
  12. the paint job looks so sweet i wish i could do that
  13. ya it is, i played today and i had more fun in forge than playing, my team mates just kept doing terrible
  14. well i really like this theme
  15. just trying to be mean or what ? think a little bit before you post, people might just get offended when you call everyone here computer nerds. not everyone here is a nerd, even if some are there is no need to be a dick
  16. i don't really think he can mod, thats why he left when ppl started questioning him
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