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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. well it was a lot cooler before halo 3 was out
  2. T Mobile its ok
  3. well to get ppl to the site i think it should not be released at first, but let everyone know it will be release
  4. what are the invisible barriers
  5. nope
  6. since we are getting closer to modding and noobs are going to come here looking for programs to mod and tuts to mod, i think it should be very easy for them to find them suggestion is either halo 3 modding tuts section or halo 3 modding programs section that includes explorer 360 ...
  7. thats an irritating color
  8. a castle in the sky, just like in star wars where lando lives
  9. what programs do that ?
  10. neither does noodle, halomodder kinda does though
  11. that wasn't the best, the next one will be good though
  12. i mean we really suck and you would look great, do you still have your other account ? i might have added you on caratti is back
  13. yup it looks cool wow look at the flood isolation, big step
  14. wow if so why does he say we
  15. MFone does he mod with you ?
  16. if you play with me and my friends you would look amazing and have the clips in like a week
  17. i think its on the last level there is grunt that is like suicidal or something, another is on the map that looks like rats nest if you walk to the end oyu aren't supposed to there is a guy at a door yelling at the person on the other side
  18. do you mean turret ? and also how do you know whats north south east and west ?
  19. wow why doesn't someone make a new post, who isn't going to delete it all
  20. idk at all but i think they might be the way people don't need to pay $15 a month
  21. ok i've got enough room for 1 and 3 anyone have a good torrent for number 1 ?
  22. most recent thanks smokiest
  23. happy birthday fattwam mine is june 23 1993
  24. Thanks for getting another one out peach
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