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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. I've been rooting for this for a while
  2. ya same here, but idk why my neighbor takes as many games as me to level up and he is a reallly low rank and smokie i used to think it was like really cool symbol
  3. looks like i might get that, ya i am
  4. there are dead birds on the pit ?
  5. oh i only saw that list of 10, i didn't see all of theirs
  6. YES it's finally out, i'm gonna do php once i'm out of school
  7. ya i also saw that we had proxies, but they use tons actually we had like 10 proxies, that isn't good
  8. ya i will probably download it, i will post what i think later
  9. sounds pretty good, anyone else watch the office ? or have a link to somewhere with all episodes i think i might download the office season 4 edit: does anyone else like Entourage ? i got seasons 1-3 for my brother, it seems like a pretty cool show
  10. i'm not sure what ̵̉ means at all, i just know its alt 1254
  11. I like it but i think it's a little plain, it cold use some text, but on the other hand text could just ruin it
  12. even if you found it first, if he says found by him it probably means he found it himself without a tutorial or anything
  13. even better
  14. welcome back lostmodz you should post some tuts and videos in the glitching section
  15. ya i think i might download, what kind of stocks are there ?
  16. yup so pretty much give it to peach
  17. ya you are loading this section with good glitches, keep going
  18. I think thats what media section is for
  19. I love the Office i have never seen Lost
  20. I never knew you could either
  21. that looks really fun, i never did understand the campaign of GOW
  22. Those really are sweet 10/10
  23. completely agree with all of this, i stopped playing cod also
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