heres a suggestion phishing methods section(people post different methods they use to phish accounts, its also a way to know if someones trying to phish you if they use a method you know) its strange because we have a bunch of xbl and xbox hacking topics but i can't a single topic on hacking xbl accounts that Jackel shields better traps than the trip mine and the ability to use enemys as hostage shields like in gears two
go to the /E/ folder then /UDATA/ Then find the folder that ends with 64. Now open up any folder in there and find "Slayer" (or profile) when you find Slayer drag it to your desktop. When your done with that open that folder of Sav3r. Now open up the folder and double click on "Sav3r"(if yuo get an error try downloading SAV3R from a different source) When you open up Sav3r go to "File>Open GameType" when your there try to find the Slayer you draged from your Xplorer360 (your Xsata) to your desktop earlier. Edit the Profile or gametype When your done with that go to "File>Save GameType" only save it one time and keep SAV3r open When your done saving it one time go back to that folder of Sav3r and find "Sign.exe" When you find that double-click that then go back to Sav3r and go to file then save gametype. When your done with that go back to your Xplorer 360 and go back to the E folder then UDATA then the the folder with 64 at the end. Then in there try to find the folder you draged the slayer (or profile) out of. When your done with that just go back to Halo 2 and find the gametype then press A on it and there you go! (i made some changes to a tutorial to make it work for 360 the tutorial was originally for the original xbox)
Ok lets go down the list -Almost every single mod has clones, we are sick of clones! they just stand there they are worthless. -no one cares if a mod has clones turrets, skulls, bombs and flags -if your mod is going to have water make it look like your underneath water when you are -if your going to put something on the map make it something cool the only mods i like are the 2 floating frigates sandtrap and jungle valhalla
same but i never did bipd swapping i had mikeo do it for me but i did bipd editng by myself. i want to play as one of those camo brutes they look cool if you see there un-camoflauged bodies.(like the killzone characters)
im pretty sure i was friends with tyler b4 i knew he modded he's been on my xbox live friends list for ages. hey tyler can you do me a favor? i'd like a guardian with just fog covering the whole map and make it so host can see it and it must be forgable. think you could allow my request?
do they respawn?and if you can do that is it possible to edit the time it takes for the trip mine to become active after being thrown, also is it possible to get rid of the trip mines glow and buzz?