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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. i posted it in showoff
  2. yes, yes indeed.
  3. http://i43.tinypic.com/jzyypw.png
  4. lawlz, just lately? pffft try always. i may not spam the sbox but im always trolling around waiting for something interesting to happen. ya ill see what i can do.
  5. details?
  6. subs_55


    nope i gots a pontiac ad
  7. he lives in sask bro, sorry
  8. ya maybe if you buy an acer lol that what your guna expect to pay for a ******* quad core HP laptop. its not a bad choice but id still scope out prices.
  9. i dont really see how that pic proves anything lol
  10. subs_55


    it dont matter then i wont use it
  11. subs_55


    haha nice, mind if i use this to make a tag?
  12. subs_55

    Diablo II

    holly crap good times................. grettest game pc game ever lul. how could you nver heard of the Diablo series? btw didnt they shut down online?
  13. hey i remember you! you were active about the time i joined. i remember your freaking awesome Sig.
  14. holly crap man, same with me! our school got a bunch of laptops that are the same way! frick im gun be rich!
  15. sounds like a router problem or drivers. update the drivers and unplug the router for awhile, then reconnect. if that doesn't help it is proboly the network cards problem (in that case update those drivers) and if not that then id blame the router lul.
  16. i dont think vip is worth 10 bucks nevermind 20. thats just me thought im really cheap. butthe thing is most of that stuff you can find other places and lots you just dont need. idk w/e
  17. he didnt say that you didnt. the render is the pic of Dante
  18. uh he clearly stated that they where made in paint.net...... so ya it was shopped thats for the overwhelming numbers of unnecessary posts
  19. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=6570 ya, exactly.
  20. its not flaming its the truth. you have no idea how much s*** i got into for going on holidays.
  21. the thing is though, on this site you do. if half the people could get close enough they would knife you for not logging on one day......
  22. all little over done there. if someone want to make you a gift (and they had time) they would. grow up.
  23. eh......? wtf? crappy quality i know.
  24. the shadow on the 'Z' in wrong compared to the other letters?
  25. subs_55


    from the little that i know the fair lady is nice. the supra is kinda redundant cuz you can just take lukes lul.
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