i like it, its pretty deadly. 1 big prob tho, the eyes down on the bottem left. the top part of the face there should be blended in, its sticks out too much and it looks cheap and slapped on. some minor smudging could fix that
i love how AFTER i figure it out, then post it. everybody tries to pull of life they jsut figured it out. it doesnt really count once the answer is right in fron of you. sorry to say.
see ya man, make sure you come back though. gfx needs you!!! an peaches you should stop into my computer shop while your in canada, ill give ya a kicking deal on a laptop! lmao. see ya when you get back
i thought i did the depth fairly well, the head of the guitar is faded into the clouds because of how far it is in comparasone to the rest. also the bottem part of the guitar is clear and large. i didnt want to exagrate the depth just to show i could or that i knew how. i wanted to make it look good. when you blur everything that isnt in your face to an exagrated point it just looks bad. i understand what it is and how to so it, but im not doing it unless i need to or want to. i pefer to stay away from the simple minded things, and make it more realistic. for example when you look at your hand, turn it at an angle and focus on the closer part, the further part isnt that blury, its slightly out of focus. just something to think about. just puting it out there, im a bit of an anti-sheep,i go against the crowd and make a scene while doing it. but i dont do it stupidly.
holy crap thats scary! dont let him bro. it cant be too serious, they would have hid it a bit better. but still man i wouldnt do it. unless you know who it is. which i doubt very much. p.s. youve got alot o stuff on your desktop =D
ive decided to make another sig with this theme. i love music and currently am learnning to play guitar and drums (very slowly i may add). the renders are from the same anime and that is partically why i used them for the theme, because they go together well. please for the love of god! C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/27341-6.png dont just look and leave! please im begging you! post your opinion thank you
yess it is true. deathgrip will be gone for at least 2 days. he hurt his leg awhile back. got ab ig gash in it. it oppend back up an got infected. he also hurt his back. so he is guna be out for awhile, ya know, cant walk to computer an all. this was posted by request of deathgrip himself. dont ask why, i cant tell you, cuz i dont know. EDIT: apparently the problem is that he is in the hospital, thats why he cant get to comp.
i made this today for a friend who is havening a tough time with her relationship. im not to sure about it. im aware the text sucks but she wanted it. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/27259-7.png
still doesnt mean that they cant comment. they cant spend all there time just modding halo. even if you dont make it, who doesnt like a cool pic? idk kinda just my opinion. but i have also noticed that the more active people dont even comment on my work. they comment on other peoples though. but w/e just ignore me im in one of my "complain and argue about everything" moods.
wow good way to judge the map. that is the worst advice ive ever heard. just because it isnt merged doesnt mean it sucks. that has nothing to do with it. it looks cool man,if i had xbl then id prob try it out.
why does nobody post in the gfx section? i really dont get it. i find it quite sad when the only people that post are people i ask directly or the people active with gfx. i would like to get some feedback from more then 2 people. wheni log in i see the most pointless topics with many posts and many more veiws. and personaly i find it sad. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR GFX SECTION? and for those of you who are new to the site you dont need to be on the GFX team to comment on things or post in the section.
thanks guys, i would have though more ppl would have posted on this. its a revolutionary concept! it must be loved!!! sigh i admit defeat. this pic dosnt even really look good on my cell. to many little details that you dont notice on your little screen. but w/e, doesnt look to bad.
lol i just made a sig with a the same kind of theme "feel the music" you should check it out if ya havent yet. but its ok but i agree it is a little monotone and dark.