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Everything posted by xValidToasterx♥

  1. nah i dont like it sorry.
  2. The towel trick might not work but in the end you can sell it on ebay without any accessories for about 60-80 bucks but ive seen higher bids. But is your microsoft warranty up?
  3. wow....now that was cool!
  4. Does anyone have any suggestions on advertising to draw in new members? me and a friend made a site http://lgdareboards.com and google bot is being dumb so i need some new methods on advertising.
  5. id go with paint smokie make it a little fair for noodles bro. lol
  6. lol im pretty sure hes the guy XD
  7. hmmm thats pretty cool i gota do that to mine. B)
  8. umm i dont really think there is, i mean you have the wii marketplace but thats about it.
  9. I like all the zelda games the one on the wii was pretty fun, the Gorons were pimp but the next game i hope they go back to their classic ways. Which means no turning into a wolf to do things especially finding poes.
  10. lololol all you crazy guys and ur crazy characters i go classic,MARIO FTW
  11. dude that sucks im sorry to hear all that, ill be seeing you in gears 2
  12. lol i gots to see this smokie is gunna winz.
  13. xValidToasterx
  14. V1 is cool i really like it but it needs just a little bit more work.
  15. I Just wana know how to make stuff look so glowing like, i mean i can do it but just not that great. Anyway it looks awesome i like the simplicity to it, not to much going on.
  16. lolz awesome, im gunna make a longer one.
  17. lolz awesome, im gunna make a longer one.
  18. xValidToasterx♥


    lolz 360 FTW
  19. I like it the blue and the white go good. Nice job.
  20. lol its amazing.
  21. AWWWW yea check it out guys.
  22. I love this game, you got 3 people hiding in a building blow it up! And there ya go everyones dead. I give this game a 10/10
  23. it was real there were videos all over. But it looked a little bit incomplete im waiting for the full thing from MS
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