CnC. I know its LQ, its blurry needs sharpened and the text blows and you ant me to lose the lines. What else did I leave out?
I dont think your going down hill. your just on a dry streak. it will pick up. The colors on the sig are kinda weird. I wouldnt ever use red and purple together, there too close to the same color. Work on doing more then using brushes. they can be good but dont rely on them. Start by finding your stock/ render and built around it. the depth, flow and other effects will come with it. Heres what I want you to do. Use a stock on your next sig. do a Photomanip. Its god practice. I think you just need to change up your style a little bit. everyone says what they say because your style is to common and you havent had the experiance other have had. you gotta make your self unique. Ill be glad to help KIU
Well C+C would be nice V2 v3
no flow, the sig is kinda LQ (low quality) And what I mean by that is its kinda blurry and the render start with was probably LQ. Colors are a little wired and Nothing really blends. Im not trying to be mean. Im just letting you know what I think is wrong with the tag. KIU
sounds great. This really got me worried because the Hacker dumped the database to a hacking website. so I downloaded just in case but I guess I can delete it now..... lol