Well its not the creators giving them to me. Plus its not really that they care that people are giving them out, they get mad when other people say that they made them.
honestly are u f-ing retarded? Its not EVER supposed to come out, so quit askin about stuff like "Will u play with me on halo 3?" in the modding section. Go to the chat board or sumthin if u want that.
Every mod forge variant here was originaly on BNET b4 it was posted here. We are not leaking mods olny providing linkys to maps that have already gone public. Shotspartin you olny care about these maps being released because you cant mod and the mods you supposedly have are being released and with each release you have less and less mods other people don't have making you less and less in the cool group. also How dare you impersonate someone you total looser. i find it funny how he trys to impersonate someone whos actually not a complete fagit lol