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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. The Gears Campaign was very interesting and fun, but the XBL is simply terrible. I love CoD4 & H3 the same much, But I can only pick 1 game so I'll just flip a coin...and it came out....CoD4
  2. Justrec

    New Tagz

    Yeah the first and last are good. I can see where you used the black paint brush on his face
  3. Has anyone suggested an iBotModz CoD4 Clan? Or are there too less people here that play it?
  4. Mag1c, Nice site man. I'll head over there and register right now.
  5. Justrec

    New Tagz

    God, all these people are good at GFX and I suck at it. Like my sig? Its about the only thing I could do. If I could find a tutor that would be great! Send me a PM.
  6. Looks like you really like halo Great job man. I love them all!
  7. That sounds like a quote from ***** forum. The people who said it there are smart then. I havent been on that site in months. I just checked it and Anth0ny and Shadow LAG confirmed if you have a Dev-Kit you would need the programs.
  8. If most of the people here got a Dev-Kit, I bet you still couldn't mod. Even If you do get a Dev-Kit, you would need some of the private programs that hasn't been released yet. Its just not as simple as getting a Dev-Kit and mod.
  9. I dont think thats its you'll get banned I think its that theres no way can fly it....Not yet. A CON resigner doesnt allow you to fly things...and a actual resigner hasnt been figured out.
  10. Carbon FTW. Nice designing.
  11. I think you have to send in a video of you doing it... This is the first time I've heard about this...
  12. You add me You went and deleted me...<_< HCG JUSTREC
  13. They are both on his fileshare.
  14. Dont forget me... I helped him get all those maps
  15. The think is, we're not hosting it because we dont want to.
  16. MFone we can get fattwam to do it. Its best to have a capture card.
  17. Thats not the snowbound with the clones and the sniper tower? If its not then you shouldnt have posted this. All of these were in the topic that MFone made, and soon we will be putting the real snowbound in that topic.
  18. And why wouldn't it allow it? All you would need to do is switch the seat from pelican driver to warthog driver and switch a few things around, granted it would be a lot more difficult in halo 3, i dont see it as an impossibility. You cant switch things like that with a CON resigner, All you can do is spawn things.
  19. Im not giving it out just yet. Ask MFone, but im sure hes keeping it on the down low for now. Once it gets boring, we will release it and then once the Pit mod with the pelican gets boring, we will release that one.
  20. Shotspartin im Mfones good friend and ikillyou can you add me real quick?
  21. Add me please shotspartin. On both your accounts... GT = HCG JUSTREC I'm friends with MFone and I believe him but I still want to see it for myself.
  22. Justrec


    Get CoD4 Like I did and play each game back and forth until the new maps come out. Its prettty fun. Once yo get bored of CoD4 then you would feel like playing H3.
  23. He would have to do lots of things, like swap, BSP conversion, and all that. We pretty much cant even SKIN yet in H3. And he swaps...a map that isn't even out yet? Fake!
  24. Hes known for stuff like that. Hes hated on SevenSins..
  25. Rumors, rumors, rumors. You cant fly that thing. Its impossible, The CON resigner doesn't allow it. Or thats a pic with someone using a devkit.
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