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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Is it that picture that mario keeps humping peaches and everytime he does, he gets a "1 Up"?
  2. That was his way of saying he doesn't want yours. jk
  3. Its because Bungie has never unbanned anyone. They are noobs for this.
  4. ^ you didn't even say.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  5. Justrec


    Didn't know Night Elves could suck so good. Us in sucking position. I was bored on my private server, don;t flame me. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/WoWScrnShot_041009_172022.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/WoWScrnShot_041009_172017.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/WoWScrnShot_041009_172010.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/WoWScrnShot_041009_171928.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/WoWScrnShot_041009_172935.jpg http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/WoWScrnShot_041009_172933.jpg
  6. Justrec


    But hes saying you should have tested it by buying MS points. If it arrives, you would know its legit, and you would have some new ms points.
  7. Gay Pee Damn Hell Ho
  8. Justrec

    H3 prank

    Obviously you are new to the internet. Its called a typo. Get it right.
  9. Justrec

    H3 prank

    Wtf. MrCereak and OctalLord. GTFO. Peaches you are to soft. I would have banned them the second they joined.
  10. OMFG! WTF! More polls. Dude you were gone, but now we all hate polls. They are so useless. Its not like the staff will look at this and choose from the poll. Its just so annoying.
  11. Justrec

    H3 prank

    That Rob guy didn't really edit his post.
  12. Look at the comments on that video.
  13. But its not a liscense transfer.. See...Thats the good part about it.
  14. Justrec


  15. Justrec


    Give me a Sub. From Quiznos. Free. Since you are owner.
  16. Justrec


    Grow older. I've recently learned that you were 13.
  17. ** Damn *** Mayun. I'm lovin peaches. DSS, stop filtering dumb stuff....
  18. I haz the theme Also, I lol'd at that trailer so hard. At the end, they said 'Don't make us kick your ass'
  19. ^ And you have it in your avatar. Man...
  20. Justrec

    My Website

  21. V3NOM has also threatened to hack new comers. If they ask a stupid question, its because they don;t know. Try helping them. You were once like that.
  22. /Facepalm. People, this is what happens everytime. He says something, hes wrong, he feels stupid, he says suck something.
  23. Caboose voted that moron.
  24. Omg another poll. This makes you really happy doesn't it?
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