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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Rep system is way different.
  2. ...... /Facepalm Well the major reason for that was not released. Maybe at the end, you will find Master Cheif in space or something, then Halo4. When they said "Finish the Fight" They meant it for Master Cheif, not the new ODST guy. So there will probably be a Halo 4, but it probably wont be called Halo 4.
  3. Fake.
  4. We need a thanks button upcoming in IPB3. Will that be a feature? Is it even available in IPB or is it just in V Bulletin and forums like that? Respondz
  5. They changed it because Recon has nothing to do with the game. I choose ODST. For one, Recon is stupid and childish. For two, Recon has nothing to do with the game. Sure you get Recon by getting the achievments in it, but thats it, while ODST actually has a meaning with it. In the Teaser Trailer you see ODST drop pods and the main character of the game is ODST. And... ODST sounds better.
  6. Justrec

    i win?

  7. Choice 4 FTW
  8. Fake.
  9. ^^ I want that one.
  10. #1 If you want to chat with people on iBotModz, get Aim and add everyone thats here on there. #2 The time limit was made so noobs like you cant spam. Which brings me back to, get aim. #3 LOL! Small little window? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?autocom=shoutbox.. You can make the C-box bigger by mousing over to the bottom line and dragging it down, making it larger.
  11. With this controllerz.. http://pictures.xbox-scene.com/xbox360/XCM-controller/XCM_360_Controller_with_led_kit_blue_button.3.jpg
  12. +1
  13. You do realise this is a serious thread right? Stop talking about chuck norris. He has nothing to do with this. And that pastafarianism is getting on lots of peoples nerves.
  14. Dude. Every good site doesn't use a light skin. Are you guys dumb? I can give you links to sites that don't focus on "Hacking" But are just gaming sites, and they have dark skins...
  15. I lol'd at how thoughtless Epsilon's post was ^.^
  16. This is See Oh Oh EL! Very nice.
  17. Oh yes.
  18. You guys should really learn how to post a youtube link. I'm about ready to make the easiest tutorial ever... Cannot Be Displayed You put a bunch of sites in there, but didn't put IBM? Noob. Plus, all you did was jump in slow mo and threw in some easy editing..
  19. I killed the google opperators.
  20. **** IRC. They suck. Wait for that shoutbox.
  21. /Fail. Still I see no cons. And being a flame war isn't a con if you looked at all my messages.
  22. Peaches, says we can't view that link...
  23. No it wasn't. Your browser probably re-arranged it or something.
  24. The equation was some 5th grade ****. But Slip doesn't know how to do it. 6n+5=10 Which is n=.833333333 http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/6n510.jpg But slip says we are wrong. Hmm. Call up a 5th grader buddy or go back and re-do algebra.
  25. Can people finally get voice in this RTV...Thing?
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