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Everything posted by Reaper222

  1. I agree with you 100% khaos, but new members should read the rules first before they do anything. And as long as their nice and don't do stupid things, then I'll fine with it.
  2. I am deeply sorry that you feel that way. But don't blame us just because of one person.
  3. Reaper222

    KD <3

    But seriously, did this take you like 5 minutes to make?
  4. Reaper222

    KD <3

    What the heck is it? Randomness.
  5. I picked Legacy's. It has a nice touch to it imo.
  6. What's up ABC Ant. Dude I haven't talked to you in 3 years. And I just came back to this site like 2 weeks ago.
  7. Reaper222


    Is still love it, regardless of what anyone says about it. lol
  8. Reaper222


    Wow I didn't even notice that, I thought that she was just laughing. Well I guess that's what happens when I'm tired. Figures.
  9. Reaper222


    I like it, but, the text is very hard to spot and I'm not really huge fan of anime. But other than that it's great!
  10. To tell you the truth Peaches, v8 is the best out of those that were made. =)
  11. Sounds great because it will not only keep kids from trying to raise their post count but, it will eliminate a lot of spam in some of the forums and their sub-forums.
  12. Exactely that's what I'm talking about....
  13. Reaper222

    Random Sig.

    I was bored nothing really to do. So I made a random sig. Please don't say it's horrible. I know it is and I'm very tired so I can't really concentrate. I made this just now like 10 minutes ago. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/normal_54f0a4456ef7619618fc73bc5703.jpg
  14. Oops sorry. I haven't done this stuff in 2 years so it's a blur. Thanks for telling me though. =)
  15. What brushes did you use Lax?
  16. Why would this be helpful to us, I'm curious because most of the computers I have in my house already have an option just like this.
  17. Ha ha Melo, funny. I like it. Good job!
  18. I like it. I wish I could do that kind of stuff again. Can you tell me what brushes you used and the font please?
  19. You obviously didn't read my post. When I said I haven't made a sig in 2 years and I got rid of the computer that had my programs I meant it. Thanks for everyone else that posted! =)
  20. Yea, I don't think you want to Mod in MM or Standby. As far as I know you can't even do these things in MM. And if you do, you will get banned!
  21. Alright, I made Melo a sig it took me about an hour to do. I know it's not anything that special, and the reason for that is that this is my first sig in 2 years. And a lot of my programs are gone since I had to get a new computer. Anyways I hope you guys like it and Melo you too. Here it is: http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/melo.jpg MeLo if possible, you might have to resize it and if you can't I'll try to do it.
  22. Reaper222

    L4D DLC

    I can't wait Left 4 Dead is the best FPS Zombie Game ever. The day the downloadable content comes out and I have to pay I'm still going to get it no matter what. Lol
  23. Lol I wasn't expecting that at first. It had to sync in for like 10 seconds.
  24. I like all of your guy's dogs! I would have a picture but my Maltese (spelling) died so...
  25. Nice mod.
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