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Everything posted by Reaper222

  1. We all are, giggity!
  2. Administrator permissions?
  3. Lol what were you getting the Early Bird Play-with-yourself bundle Premium package? lol
  4. That's hilarious, you deserve +rep for that!
  5. Lol
  6. I think Pargy is ready to uh, have fun with himself....
  7. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/ThE%20NaMeZ%20VeNoM/avatar-body.png
  8. Lil Wayne, Drake, etc - Im going in "my pants" Kinda weird thread this is but ok.....
  9. Reaper222


    Probably not, why do you need to even rep boost. What is it going to do for you in the real world?
  10. Lol, it's time to play Call Of Duty on Halo!
  11. Nah, all I need is a really cool IPB Modern Warfare 2 logo with my clan name in it and that's it.
  12. I'm 14, don't have that kind of money. It's for a clan.
  13. Lol
  14. Thank you. I was unsure myself. (Where to put my topic)
  15. I need someone to make me a really cool Modern Warfare 2 logo for my IPB website. Text: TacTicaL KiLLaS (spelled like this) Color of Text: Green, Blue (Dont care) Size: http://tacticalkillas.ipbfree.com/index.php? (Make forum full width) OR JUST A SIZE THAT IS NORMALY GREAT FOR A LOGO Type: Modern Warfare 2 of course. All I'm asking is for a really cool Modern Warfare 2 logo with my clan name in it (TacTicaL KiLLaS) in it. My board is 1.3 but that doesnt matter becuase the logo can be images. For anyone that can make me one thank you very much! ~Eric
  16. Doesn't happen to me.
  17. Thanks bro you rock!!!
  18. OMG lol I started cracking up when you said "they give me a lollipop when they came " That smilie went so f*cking well with that statement. I'm still cracking up!
  19. I agree. I know Taylor Swift is bad and there is no excuse for what he did.
  20. Kanye West screwed up real bad! At last night's MTV Video Music Awards, Taylor Swift won an award for 'Best Female Video for "You Belong With Me." Kanye West jumped up on the stage in the middle of her acceptance speech, grabbed the microphone and said "Taylor, Im proud for you but, Beyonce had a better music video than you and she deserves this award. Everyone boo'ed Kanye, and then started chanting even more for Taylor. I kind of agree how did Taylor Swift win? She freaking sucks, but what Kanye did was harsh and uneccessary. Read the story here: Kanye West Has Truly Lost it This Time
  21. Good job I like it!
  22. I love you and love it!
  23. It's cleaner and better looking!
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