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Everything posted by Reaper222

  1. Reaper222


    Your annyoing using"brah" brah! On-Topic - I like them their nice you should make me one!
  2. So, I'm guessing no one is going to make me a sig?
  3. iTzEric is my forum name on many other websites. And iTz ErIc iXx used to be my Xbox Live gamertag.
  4. Can someone make me a really cool Modern Warfare 2 sig and put iTzEric for the name because that's what im going to change my name to in a bit. please? Thanks guys! Aprreciate it!
  5. Good to see you back, Korupt! B)
  6. How was the trailer funny? I only found it to be amusing.
  7. Sure I guess?
  8. I use Internet Explorer.
  9. Blocked as in he can't put it back up. Because he said he would put it back up in a few.
  10. This should be blocked the VIP picture that is.
  11. Teh ReCaWn Sig is pure evil and will not be allowed to fu** with! lol. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/ts_fileid_62860288465465465465hhh.jpg
  12. Hey, I was wondering where that went! I went to the bathroom Wednesday and my sh*t disappeared out of nowhere. lol Anyways good job.
  13. Good job D.HeRo!
  14. Yes two the both you (Khaos and Korupt). I used Bungie's picture, but you gotta admit, that's a cool picture.
  15. Thank you Korupt.
  16. This was a sig that I made for a friend, like 3 years ago. His gamertag was in this sig this was totally something from me to him as a gift. And then one day he changed his name to something stupid like "CheezeDoodle" or something like that. Yes, it's way better than what I can do now but that's only because I stopped doing this stuff for 2 years. Ok, here is my trip down memory lane. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/HALO2copy.png NOTE:This is when he loved watching me do this kind of stuff and that's why he made his GT "LeGit GFX" until he changed it. Edit: Old picture backround was blah, so I updated it to Halo 3!
  17. Ya, the text was kinda funky. I had a hard time finding "The perfect text".
  18. This is a recent sig I just made for myself. I'm still working on two others right now. Alright here is my recent sig. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/shishkafirereaper222.jpg
  19. If there were STOCKS I would use these.
  20. I would like to know that also.
  21. Post hot tags, holy smokes! I think you got them all. I could actually use some of these if their were stocks, for my upcoming photochop project/gift!
  22. I like the stranger picture, lol.
  23. Thats a great idea, Korupt.
  24. Thanks for your input you guys. And Caboose the link you put in your sig still doesn't work. Use the one T3A guy put. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/S...halo3bylego.jpg
  25. OMG dude that's amazing! Nice Job!
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