I made a gift for SotG Caboose! http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/normalhalo3bylego.jpg Note: I tried resizing but what I ended up with was a mess. Enjoy! EDIT: Can a mod fix the word "Gist" to "Gift".
I was looking at my old sigs that I made last year and stuff. This is stuff that I saved to my Flash Drive before I got a new computer. (Thank god) Anyways, I have made many more sigs but I'll post them another day. Here is my old iPhone sig. Tell me what you guys think. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/iphone2.png
I think that you guys should wait and buy the maps. Sometimes you have to learn to wait for something instead of getting it by glitches and stuff. Ya know...?
Someone actually posted a link for the download straight to the Xbox.com Marketplace. And I saved the link too. But, I don't know if I'm going to download for free.
Like your cat, lol. I was watching some show about cats last night. And when I first read your post I thought you said you had a "Domestic Savannah Cat" or something like that. But the Savannah cat's cost like $20,000.
I would love to post mine but I can't go on Halo 3 to make one. I have another one that I can post hold on. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/41127807-Thumbnail.jpg Thats the best I got. And my name is Eric.
Yea, I know I had to use the original text that was supplyed, because when I tryed to add my own different text it couldn't find the file. And I didn't want to keep trying because it was at 1:00 AM in the morning and I have to wake up at 6:30AM.
Here is a sig I made for my friend khaosmaster. The sig approx. took me 2 hours to make maybe even more I don't know. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu133/STobias/normal_Render20EGM33.jpg (Khaos let me know if you want this resized. If you can resize it that would also be great. Just ask. I won't do it now since I'm tired, though.)