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Everything posted by Reaper222

  1. Is it your main account?
  2. Alright so about 4 months ago I've been modding achievements and my avatar. And all my friends are getting reset but I'm the only one who modded my avatar. I modded achievements very little and I modded my avatar. I keep seeing my friends getting reset one by one. I've had my avatar modded, the longest for a day and I only did this for my gamerpicture. My question is if I had my avatar modded for a day, will I eventually get permabanned or am I safe? And also if I modded my achievements very little wouldn't I have been reset by now? This was all done on my main account, an I'm freaking out, I wish I didn't mod my main! What a stupid mistake. Guys please help I'm freaking and I need to relieve the nervousness by getting answers. Also If I were to unmod the achievements I modded, will that increase my chances of getting reset?
  3. is all like "iiMa BeAsT"
  4. is all like "iiMa BeAsT"
  5. is all like "iiMa BeAsT"
  6. is all like "iiMa BeAsT"
  7. is all like "iiMa BeAsT"
  8. is all like "iiMa BeAsT"
  9. is all like "iiMa BeAsT"
  10. I'll be there!
  11. Whatever happened to him? Ah, hell I remember him, he used to always be mean to me for no reason
  12. I just got home from school, so I see this. And yes, its a problem. I hope Peaches gets on soon.
  13. I like, oops did I say like.....? I meant to say I love!!!! And thanks for the sig bro, you rock!
  14. Nvm, guys I dont need it anymore. This topic can be closed.
  15. DarkRuler, if I were you I would build a desktop instead of a laptop. But if you need a computer for on-the-go or for school, get a laptop.
  16. I like it!
  17. Sexy! But you should take away the "Report Bugs" option because we all know that Treyarch nevers patches any glitches.
  18. I tried this (SnD) wasn't able to really get any points because I was under 45. Good tutorial though.
  19. Thank you botton!
  20. Hehe Teddy Bear.
  21. Reaper222

    Need Help

    I uhh, don't think so, you are not liked by many right now, so no.
  22. I'm not really a fan of anime, but this looks amazing! Great job!
  23. How can you scare them (do you scare them with this on Xbox) the reason I ask is because everytime I'm on Xbox and of course online it doens't show anyone's IP's. I have a wireless Xbox 360 Adapter, so I don't know how it's not working. Should I download Comm View WiFi? Help!
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