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Everything posted by cesar13

  1. cesar13


    So it's good then? Tbh, verizon sucks
  3. cesar13


    http://www.speedtest.net/result/546817502.png Is this even good? lol I had a lot of shit running
  4. Thanks, I'll check it out later.
  5. marry me? I love how every topic curtis makes gets flooded with useless hilarious posts
  6. By the way, if I don't get many comments, I won't upload all I have. I may stop at pack 1 or may make the link private by only giving the link to people of those who post in this thread. So keep commenting, as I saw on my other topic of "Who would be interested" There weren't many replies. I start school tomorrow, I don't have all day anymore to sit on the computer and upload files. MSN: emoliciousluvsu@hotmail.com AIM: X Out Yur Eyes GT: x M i r a c l e
  7. I'm getting PSDs together for you guys right now. Just be patient, I am organizing everything right now. I'll post in the shoutbox when something is up. There will be multiple packs I will be uploading. It'll just take time, because, well, uploading is a b!tch. Keep watching the thread P.S. Most of the PSDs I'm uploading are ones I've collected through the years of friends/other artists, so respect their work and don't rip. Credit goes to the artists. I will mention if I am the maker. Other than that, if I don't mention anything, then I am not who made them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pack 1 Status: Currently Uploading Note:Once you download, read the .txt file Preview: Download:http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jijhnkznm5t Cesar's Tags(Pack2) Info:Now for this pack, I am definitely not releasing untill I get +REP from each individual person that wants it. +REP and PM me that you have, I will make sure you did, and I will PM you the link. There are about 59 PSDs when I counted, I took a few off. They are not pro, they are decent, they have neat tricks I like to do. It should help you learn your way around and give you tips. Also on most of the PSDs I marked the layers that stay hidden in violet. In other words, unecessary layers. I was experimenting. DONE UPLOADING POST ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY OF THE PSDs! I'll be glad to help you out, explaining what I did if you may not understand. I'll tell you guys right now, I blend a lot of images together, so you'll definitely learn something from this one. Take advantage of blend modes, opacity, and fill + gradient maps, etc. About: If someone rips any of my tags/layers WITHOUT PERMISSION, this means you can if you ask, but if you don't ask and I find out I'd like to ask iBotPeaches to ban the person or for a Mod to give me the person's IP so I can hit them offline. I don't want my tags ripped. Respect my request, it's not that hard to follow my rules. Do we have an understanding? Mod/Admit reply to my request about the ban/DDoS Preview: The ones you are able to see are not the only ones in the pack, there were too many to fit them all. http://i31.tinypic.com/vhesfa.png The reason I want +REP is so I know you've read what I typed up. Plus, I am giving them out for free, clicking +REP shouldn't be that hard. You can wear any of my tags in your signature, but you may not change anything on the tag, this meaning, placing your name on my signature. Credit me if you place it in your signature also.
  8. No problem baby<3 lulz (nohomo)
  9. P.S. http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Friend%20Pics/SP_A0338.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Friend%20Pics/SP_A0274.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Friend%20Pics/SP_A0285.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Friend%20Pics/ME002.jpg and my last girlfriend below: Broke up recently http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Friend%20Pics/78056302.jpg
  10. Dear sir. You are bad at this game. On the side note: MELO!!!!! <3
  11. I lol'ed @ the lollipop + Can't stop laughing!
  12. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/x%20M%20i%20r%20a%20c%20l%20e/avatar-body.png
  13. Who even is smokey? lol
  14. i lol'ed @ the replies N1GGA! STOLE MY YOSHI! lol
  15. I'm on right now and I never see you on? Maybe one of us has eachother blocked? Though it doesn't show it on mine. Add me: emoliciousluvsu@hotmail.com or ask your brother brandon to get us in a multiple chat thingy on MSN.
  16. Thanks for the support, much appreciated I do remember you, and I did dum dum
  17. Haha =P
  18. As in my signature, I talk about PSD files for photoshop. As I found out while I was doing GFX, the best way to learn your way around Photoshop is not through written tutorials, but PSD files. You need to be able to see what other minds can do with the program. That being said, if I do share PSD files I've collected through out the years, don't layer rip. Don't rip anything. Only for learning purposes. Some of these are from great artists. If it does happen, just hide all the layers and reveal each layer, one by one. Some may be tricky to figure out, but I will assure you, you will atleast learn one thing from each PSD, if not, more. Show of hands of whom is interested, because I do not know how many people are still interested in learning Photoshop. There are so many tools to use in Photoshop. Some of my work, before I quit: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/licious_luvs_ayamecopycopy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/34534-1.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/2342342copycopy4.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/3453543453copycopy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/Soaren_Gift.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/356436643632copycopy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/453254322cop2ycopy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/45354354copycopy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/3453453copycopy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/346536536543copy2copy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/4354354353453copy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/6546543653copy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/576576575675copy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/2523523.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/234234324.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/67867867865copy12.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/6565765765cop2y-1.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/564564564copy.png http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd276/gfx_master32/Sigs/454353.png My usual style is downloading a bunch of stocks(images), from anywhere on the internet(make sure they are not copyrighted), and just blend them in together. Don't always use text, text is not necessary. Colors, don't make it monotone, though sometime's tags can look really good monotone if it has the right amount of lighting and shadows. Sharpening, at the end of each tag/sig, you want to sharpen it, though play around with the fill/opacity settings. When you set a layer(such as when working with colors), you want to play around with the fill/opacity settings, if you don't, the tag will eventually become too monotone of overuse/over powered colors. Just experiment. Add me on MSN if you'd like actual help. These are just basic tips.
  19. I've found that sneaky bastard lol. Thanks though. :] Haha, yeah I never deleted you, I just made a new MSN. I'll add you though. Shit I can't believe you don't go on xbox live anymore, though get on ibotmodz. I have got in contact with your brother again actually, brandon. He added me on xbox live and on MSN. As I've been told, you're currently going out with that same girl you were talking about a while back, from your school. Haha, dude, hasn't it been about 2-4 years since I made that? And yes, I do remember you =P Thanks guys, I apologize for all the trouble I have caused on the forums when I was around haha.
  20. This is a call for a bit of help. I lost contact with Heaven Assassin/H3LLS ASSASSIN a few years ago. And well, I've been trying to get in contact with him again. Nothing seems to be working, i've dried the shit out of google. Even tried youtube. I don't know, I know that Heaven and I were hella tight. Yes I just said hella, no I'm not black. Anyways, If you guys don't mind helping me find him. I'd really appreciate it. This was the only site I could turn to since I could find no track of him. His account just ran out of gold a bit ago, is he banned? Has he been banned? I know he was a into hacking and such. I can't get into his friends list because of the privacy setting. Anyways, help would really be appreciated. He was a really good friend of mine, and I would really like to get in contact with him. I still have him on my friends list also. -Once again, any kind of help is appreciated. My gamertag: li miracle li
  21. ive got a question, why is dice a noob?because he stated his own opinion about a sig? because he doesnt follow the crowd? beacuse he likes it more simple? beacuse he perfers a differnt style? because you seen one of his pieces an feel its fair to judge him? because you say so? because your mad an your only defense is to sputter random insults? good reasons. there is no need for insults. its fine if you dont like his work, just dont be a pr1ck about it. please. not everyone is going to improve at the same speed, not everyone is a pro, an your just going to have to except that not everyone is going to see things your way. no need for childish insults. from what ive seen i dont think your a pro yourself, so please dont talk so big. try not to get offended by this, but i stick up for people you get savagely beat for no reason, i dont care who you are. noob = novice take it up thee ass dumb*** oh btw ur also novice, and that tag was made by a great tagger on PR.
  22. lol dude you really dont know anything about tags, if you really think that sprite tag is horrible then you must suck at gfx completely. that tag is inter - semi lol u know nothing about ranking and dude u are still a noob after over a year HAHa its kinda pathetic how its been this long and uv changed nothing about ur gfx. same effects, whoring the pen tool, effects still suck, colors still suck, and more if you want me to continue. Oh and btw, I wasnt flaming before but now I am so enjoy it mofo PS: Get glasses if you cant see the sprite because I can clearly see it, or maybe its too pro for you since its so well blended. just quit gfx, dont make anymore tags, your already a failure.
  23. no offense but the VIP has always sucked on this site
  24. I second that, and I will say it as nicely as I will try My opinion on Dice: composition on effects need work, colors need work and the background seems all monotoned and doesnt go well with the circles and the sprite. well the circles dont really fit in there at all so how bout u take em out. pen tool - STOP ***ING USING IT U ADDICT! text???wtf why need to use text? do you really need to know hes a street fighter? lol not really. well then, take it out, and then we fix the effects a bit. idk what to do to it without restarting the sig but if u would restart I say use C4Ds, C4Ds always go nicely with sprites. EXAMPLE OF SPRITE WITH C4DS http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31856-23.png oya, dont use borders, theres no point Lax: gah, now lax's. its really awkward but it has slight better bit of everything than Dice's tag, except for that its monotone. for lax, id maybe use some textures and if that render, stock was colored before, id say recolor it. next id show some depth, depth is always good, sharpen the tag, mask it and brush what you only want sharpened so that the background seems blurred, or you may want to sharpen the background a bit so take a brush at a different strength, say like 10? and then brush what u want sharpened. Oh I forgot, Dice, those circles ruin the depth, take em out. my vote is for Lax but for my reasons, you may have ur own opinion but thats how every human is. Both sigs are alright, they could use some touchups but as for now, I vote for lax
  25. How bout from now on we make a rule about we have to give 3 reasons why we vote for a tag in a battle so the tag maker that isnt getting voted for knows why he isnt getting voted for, and knows what to work on. then we can all be happy =]
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