modder stop saying like "sweeney i taught you well your like the best out there since i taught you" pls stop saying that its annoying no offense, and sweeney prolly read some tutorials to get where hes at too so its not all you also can I join?!?!?!?!
alright I dont think you know what your doing or what blending is When blending try making the colors match and try to make it so the render isnt sticking out so much, also dont put the render on last put it at the beginning, blending is like making the render look like its part of the whole signature or the whole peice of work, so dont just add a render at the end I always add my render first, also dont make the whole thing just one color make it creative, but mostly all it is, is making the render match with the background, trying to make it seem like the person/render/stock/pic BELONGS in that sig/pic/tag/LP SO DONT MAKE THE RENDER STAND OUT, erase around the edges with a soft brush, duplicate the render about 10 times, hide the above layers except the bottom render, smudge some and set them to different blend modes and work ur way up to the sig and it will blend, depends on how you do it though, they are several ways to do it but i just explained like 3, colors, erase around the edges, and smudging ~*I hope this helped because I dont explain things very well*~ Edit: Here is the first sig I ever blended, but the sig was like all the same color (its not completely blended but it gets to my point, make it so it looks like part of the background) I also blended the text after reading a tut of text blending but the way i did it on that sig sucks
alright i love making avatars for msn, so this is kinduv of a weird size but its fun to make em this size and they fit on msn but this one looks better bigger so heres my outcome and I will post the stock too =P Outcome: Stock: I LOVE THE PEN TOOL LOL!!!! WOOT!!! so i had to use it anyways any comments? suggestions?
alright I need help finding a good render to a pop can cause i got an awsome idea, cause i looked at this one sig that was with a mountain dew can and man it was teh s3x! so I wanna something alike so if anyone finds me a render i will do any 1 thing u request
alright I made a halo sig and I Didnt really like the outcome so im giving it away to whoever wants it. (The render wasnt a very good one to use i guess ) Outcome: Render:
he used clipping mask or he selected a certain part of the sig with the retangular marquee tool i think its called and copied it by pressing Controll + C and pasted it by Controll + V and dragged it to the left, ither way it works