Okay, so I'm doing a presentation for school, I'm basically done with everything but now I'm organizing everything and going to make it fun. So I was wondering if any of you guys have any humorous photos of any Presidents (Obama, McCain, and Bush) That is for the first presentation. I have to do another presentation by tomorrow also, so I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out and post other humorous photos. It can be anything, but NO NUDES. Keep it to a level of respect. It can have any text on it, the text I can edit out so. So if it has a swear word, I don't really care. So basically just post photos. I really don't have time to search myself, I am really busy at the moment, I have more than just these two presentations due tomorrow. There was this one that I saw a while ago, it was of a guy sitting in his office, on his chair with his legs crossed. If someone could find it, I'd really appreciate it. +REP if you help out. *I'm in a really chirpy mood at the moment. lol * ~Thanks
I quite disagree. I think it's funny, his reply hahahaha. Wow I had the best night. HOLY SHIT IF FORGOT I HAD TO TEXT ****!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH! anyways, I can't believe I'm up this late doing homework.
Haha, okay. I had to re-read your post. I thought you were replying to me. Lulz. And I don't even go to CaliModz, but I know that a modding site such as them have no intention of infecting others.
Does calling someone a kid make you feel as if you surpass the other? Hm? Mr.Unknown age, too p*ssy? to post your age? These kind of things piss me off about people. So what if he didn't know what he was talking about. You could politely inform him about it, rather then you flaming him. You may say you were not doing so, but if you read your post carefully, you were in a sense. Fking people. After you read this post, I bet you that you are going to check out my profile to see how old I am. Read my signature if you are ready to call me immature. To be honest, I could really care less. Also, yes I'm an @ss. I take things too far at times, but this is just to give you notice. Let's all be friends here.
HAHAHAHAHA, wow. Oh well, who cares. As long as it's not an important sig or any of mine, I don't care if you rip really. Just don't rip layers of the PSD lol. hahaha My pack is uploading now, I'm posting preview after this post
I posted the program (Friend Request Spammer) and Decatur deleted it straight away without reading my info on my topic. This meaning that I had proof that it wasn't a virus/worm/etc. I use it all the time and nothing has gone wrong.
Crypter...Does anyone have any good crypters for my botnet? I'm going to start using a booter, along with my server But sadly, I am in need of a crypter, binders are always good too
Title says it all. When you post your GT, I will update with a list on my post, so people don't have to scroll through pages just to find you. cesar13 - x M i r a c l e ( ADD ME BITCHES! ) I play a lot of COD, I am banned from halo untill I get a new xbox...I bridge myself host and standby on COD4 and COD:WAW, when I'm bored I do play legit most of the time though. :.:List:.: Blacklabelfosho - Scary lil boy Wil - ThunderukX Fattwam - fattwam SotG Caboose - Carlton Bonks & SotG Caboose Hypnotoad - Gamegod19 Dakote - Dakote Pargy - Xpargas Dan - xDansomee lostmodz26 - ThronedCREATOR
How to hack Orange box: 1) Get a box 2) Paint it orange 3) Open it 4) Jump in de box! 5) You have gotten in the box without permission! CONGRATS, YOU HAVE NOW OFFICIALLY HAXED ORANGE BOX!