wow, I have not logged on here in a while No that's not my last name. I've got 6 names in my name because of what I am, and how the culture works.
"Error: URL resolve error. ( is down??)" I think it's because it's HD... lol EDIT: I tried it on another video and it didn't work either..
Yeah, that's what I wanted. A program to download the video, then I'd go out searching for a converter. But I can't get a good program, all of them say "Download link unavailable" or "Can't Download...blah blah blah" stuff like this.
Why can't I find any YouTube downloaders that work? I'm trying to put videos from there on my iPod Touch but each one that I try doesn't work! Anyways, anybody know any good YouTube downloaders and possibly converters if you could suggest any? I've tried so many but most of them don't work now 'cause they have that whole HD thing on videos now that come with a bigger screen or whatever. +REP to anyone who helps, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
It's not call of duty mw 2 It's Call of Duty 4 2...Call of Duty Four Two.. I'm so going to standby my ass to #1 as soon as it hits release. GAMEOVER PUT ME IN YOUR SPECIAL RESPECT LIST NUB<3
The first time I was going to loose my virginity, it was with my sister's friend (sleepover). HOWEVER, my mother caught us and we didn't make it too far haha This was when I was in 6th grade
I tried googleling the drivers, but I couldn't find any working ones. I need "Other PCI Driver" Version 67.8.9 Manufacture: NVIDIA *That's the info that it says on Driver Updater, which they seem to be correct. I'll search again on google.* Thanks peach.
I reformatted my pc today because it got an ass bite of a virus. I could not use any browsers and I was cut off from my internet completely on this pc. Every other pc was fine though. Anyways, I'm still trying to find the drivers I need but they are a pain to find, especially the right ones (My pc was costumed made). I downloaded a program called "Carambis Driver Updater" to make things easier, but to be able to download the drivers from it, I need a serial, and I tried finding one but no luck. So I'm posting here for help because I need to go to bed, I have to wake up so early tomorrow. Help is appreciated. Will also +REP ~Thanks
I want it to look like the login page on facebook. I have no idea what you just said. But what I was trying to do when I did it was to copy the data from the site/page I needed by pressing Ctrl+U. This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times. This limit is reached. To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.
Lmao, because I want to phish some of my friends from school. I thought it'd be fun. Other than that, I don't care about other peoeples' facebooks/myspaces. I can only get myspace to work, I can't get facebook to work right...I have a problem directing it so when the fake site is used, it logs into a .txt
Does anybody have a facebook phisher they could give me? I've tried setting up my own but I can't get it to work. I've only set up myspace phishers, and that was about 3 years ago.
Blah, so I have this movie on DVD, and my sister wants it on her iPod. Though it comes in files I've never seen. How would I make or convert the files into MPEG-4? (iPOD Format I think?) Screenshot of files: +REP to any help. I'd search myself but I really don't even know where to start. ~Thanks to whoever helps.
My apologies. I wasn't trying to be racist. I'd like to say I'm not, I try not to be. It's just a mindless thought. I didn't mean it in any negative way. Sorry again And Peaches, I've tried that already, all of those, plus just about everything... no luck
I am getting an error that the one of the drivers is malfunctioned when I try to connect my iPod touch. I think it may have to do something with me messing with the drivers when I coudln't get the Xplorer 360 to work a while ago. Anyone got any ideas of how to fix this? I've try so many things. :'(