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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Every freakin Ai on this map has been changed to Humans. Weird huh. Map Description: Story: A pelican has just flew in you covenant city over night, get up soldier and fight. Mods: added stuff/bug fixes: pelicans fly over head instead of phantom, the fp problem fixed so now u can see you self as an elite, new covey sky, new bitmaps, and the humans have more humany weapons and the covenant have more covey weapons. I hope yall like it i love it personally Cool Pictures: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/777-92.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/777-93.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/777-94.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/777-95.jpg Download: SPPF Apply to 03a_oldmombasa.
  2. Heres the link..... http://files.filefront.com/old_mambasasppf...;/fileinfo.html This is the first campain mod so leave some feedback.... There are tons of shader swaps to the weapons and some of the characters and the warthog(the wart hog looks awsome)......heres the pics... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-96.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-97.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-98.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-99.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-100.jpg thats the frag nade blowin the hell up... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-101.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-102.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-103.jpg he's dead=) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-104.jpg there all dead=) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/776-105.jpg i want the black and red 1... http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9562/oldmambasa11oe6.jpg that launches rockets... http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/7568/oldmambasa12en0.jpg ok thats it leave some feed back plz...
  3. Hi guys i finaly figured out what i was doing wrong when i was making my mods so thease are for most of the campagin maps it also includes the campagin mod Anarchy made for me and Night Ops because i think you should all try it becuase it rocks! Its not the best mod you will find on the web because remember im still learning how to mod so just give it a try and tell me what you think! Every Map Appart from 03a_oldmombasa.map (Night Ops) has projectile swaps for every weapon! >>>>>>DOWNLOAD SPPF HERE!!<<<<<<< Map Information: [ YES ] __Co-Op Conpatable [ YES ] __Weapon Mods [ NO ] __Skin Mods [ YES ] __Physics Mods [ NO ] __Lighting Mods [ YES ] __Vehicle Mods It is on the following maps... 01b_spacestation.map: Made By Me! 03a_oldmombasa.map: Night Ops By: T Beezie 03b_newmombasa.map: Made By Xx Anarchy xX 04a_gasgiant.map: Made By Me 04b_floodlab.map: Made By Me 05a_deltaapproach.map: Made By Me 05b_deltatowers.map: Made By Me http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/775-106.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/775-107.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/775-108.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/775-109.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/775-110.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/775-111.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/775-112.jpg Just give it a try and tell me what you guys think about it! TheMatserSnail
  4. lol i posted these
  5. 0 ok i no there is a bunch of tuts out on how to do this but none are very specific about the power supply 0 i will have pics asap sorry.i got my fan at frys for $10.00.........it has red leds but it comes in a bunch of diferent colors...... OK lets get started.First thing u need to do is unscrew the screws on the bottom of the xbox and take the top off. next unplug the red yellow and two black wires connected to the hard drive. there are two screws located near the front of the disk drive take those out. there is one more screw located between the disk drive and the hard drive. carefully lift the hard drive out and unplug the strip wire from it. now lift the disk drive out and un plug the the strip wire from the mother board.u will also see a plug of yellow wires connected to the board unplug those and take the disk drive out. now would be a great time to blow the dust out of ur xbox(mine had tons of dust) now u should be looking at a big green mother board and a tan colored board.unplug the 3 prong plug that gives power to the fan.unplug the wires for the controller ports and the wires for the eject button and power light.take all the screws out of both boards and remove the boards. now there should be nothing in the xbox case except the fan?=) look at the fan. on each side of the fan there should be clips that allow the fan to snap into place.carefully use a flat head screw driver and pry the clip away from the fan on 1 side and lift up on the fan. lift up enough so that the fan is not clipped in on that side.do the same on the other side and remove the fan. smoke break!!!!!! now take a pair of pliers grab a hold of 1 of the fan clips and bend the clip toward where the fan used to be untill it snaps off nice and clean like.if u do it away from where the fan used to be it will not break off nice and clean like.do the same to the other clip.this makes room for the new 80mm fan WITH LEDs. ok take ur new fan.we are gunna have to modify it a little to make it fit properly.if u look at ur new fan u will see that there are 4 mounting brackets at each corner they will have holes for screws.take a pair of angle cutters/wire cutters or a dremmel(i used wire cutters and a file)and cut off the bottom brackets.to make shure that u are cutting the bottom brackets look at the fan and see where the wires are coming from.the wires come out the top of the fan.file the corners down nice and smooth like. put the new fan aside for now.take a look at the case and where the fan used to be.u dont have to do this but i did for better lighting effect fron the leds.u will see a grill in the sheet metal behind where the fan used to be.what i did was take a pair of wire cutters and removed the grill. now take ur new fan and place it where it is supposed to go.use a sharpe or some kind of marker and mark the sheet metal where the top mounting brackets are. use a drill or dremmel and a 5/32 size drill bit and drill a hole in the sheet metal where u should have marked it for the top brackets. ok use the screws supplied and mount the the fan. now we reassemble the guts of the xbox. 9 place the mother board and the power supply board back into the xbox and screw all of the screws backdown.dont forget any of them. 0 plug all of the controller port wires and the eject button wires back in to the mother board. 1 ur new fan should have came with a molex wire splitter adapter.1 end of the wire will have a 3 prong plug just like the stock fan.plug that in to the mother board where the original fan plug was.the other end of the adaptor will have a 4 prong plug with a red and black wire.leave that alone for now out side of the xbox case. 2 now pick up ur disk drive (not the hard drive)and plug the strip wire and the yellow wires back into the mother board and set the disk drive in the case and screw the 2 mounting screws for the disk drive back in. 3 ok now we are gunna have to modify the tray for the hard drive so the hard drive can fit into the xbox.look at the hard drive u will see 4 screws.2 on each side of the hard drive,take all 4 out and remove the hard drive from the tray. 4 ok on the tray for the hard drive will not fit in the xbox because of the new 80mm super quiet fan.with LEDs.take a look at the tray and u will see a sticker that says warning remove power supply or something like that.thats the end u have to cut.place the tray where its supposed to go and use a marker to mark the piece u have to cut out so the fan fits real nice=).should be right around where that warning sticker is.use a dremmel or small saw to cut out the piece of plastic. 5 once u have the hard drive tray cut to fit,place the hard drive in the tray and screw all 4 screws back in,and place the hard drive back in to the case. 6 now plug the strip wire and the red,2black,and yellow wires back into the hard drive.and screw the screw thats between the disk and hard drives in. 7 now take the other end of the molex wire splitter adapter that came with ur new fan(red and black wires)and plug that right in to the wires that u plugged in to the hard drive.(there should be a female end to the plug thats plugged into the hard drive). 8 now for the moment of truth.get ur power cord to ur xbox and plug it in.push the power button.if u did this according to this tut the fan will spin and the lights will turn on.if it worked give ur self a pat on the back and put the lid back on.i had a little trouble putting the lid back on OF COURSE RIGHT AT THE FREEKIN END OF THE JOB but eventually it fit.my fan also came with a 3 way external switch for the fan speed.u can put that where ever u want, i put mine right out side of the plastic grill.u dont really need the switch with a modded xbox but i used mine anyway(looks fancy). not only does it look kool because of the lights the 80mm fan keeps ur xbox nice and cool and quiet. with the old fan the xbox got up to about 145 degrees,with the 80mm fan it keeps the xbox between 115 and 120 degrees. if u try this and have any questions about it just post it under this tut=) and once again ill be getting pics asap sorry about that.
  6. Small Tut for those who want to try this out: So you want to make a race course? Heres a list of instructions that even a newb could understand Wink 1. Download The source file on the topic page 2. Open The program "Entity" 3. Open the source map (containment) 4. Scroll Down to {SBSP} 5. click it and click the only tab inside of it 6. Go up to the top-right corner and click the scroll-down tab 7. Select RAW DATA EDITOR 8. If you have a cood graphics card and a good computer, a new tab window will open 9. Go to the top and select to view collections 10. hold "X" to go into map Heres controls for Entity viewer right mouse click:change view left mouse click:select object arrow keys: move object up, down, left, right Page up: move object up Page down:move object down W:move camera angle forward A:move camera angle left D:move camera angle right S:move camera angle back X:move camera up(vertical) Z:move camera down(also vertical) Shift, Ctrl, Alt: change angles while holding down and moving mouse IMPORTANT!!!!! you can't click more than one angle button per bridge(Or I guess warthog) sign and ftp and WHAMO!!!! you got yourself a brand new racecourse
  7. ok this is to put a tank turret on a hog that u can use from the driver seat 1 open up your map in dothalo 2 go to vehi then tank cannon mp 3 copy the meta offset 4 find the warthog turret (guass or chaingun) in the wehi tag 5 past the mata offset from the tank over the meta for the guass or chaingun turret 6 save resign ftp
  8. Part 1 Ok you first need an xbox 360 and an xsata and a 360 harddrive once you have that your ready connect the xsata and remember a 360 game demo is required. Part 2 getting xplorer 360 when you get the xsata there should be a cd if theres not you can sear ch google for a download or get it at xbox-scene.com. Part 3 Finding a demo on your hardrive and replacing it with your halo 2 files this means copying your default.xbe for the 360 and your bink folder your maps dont forget fonts inside the maps folder and whatever else you may have then you move the stuff in maps folder if there is anything then you need to put the mappack with resigned maps and stuff and put it in there. Part 4 Backing up your hd for any errors or thangs that may mess up go to file and backup your Harddrive on your pc then you can delete the demo and replace it and when your done it might be named halo 2 or it might have the same demo name so its smart to have just one demo. Part 5 System linking ok you want EVERYTHING in the demo folder or you can't system link with people because it cant run multiplayer so copy EVERYTHING except the old maps and you will need the shared maps. Part 6 Finishing the job ok your set up and ready to play but before you exit out of xplorer 360 close it and re open it and find your new halo 2 that u put in or be wild and just exit xplorer 360 and disconnect the usb cord dosn't matter what you do but I recommend double checking. Tutorial Written By: BABERUTH100 Sub-admin note; Tested and comfirmed NOT working. yay my second tutorial!
  9. Requirements Any halo 2 map! Entity NewMombasa Campaign map First off open up Entity http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-199.png Next Find the NewMombasa Campaign Map http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-200.jpg Now go down to the BLOC tag, http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-201.jpg Go all the way to the bottom till you find the Soccerball (its says Soccerball) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-202.jpg Now click the Soccerball and go to the top right hand corner and check the boxes that say Recursives,Parsed and Sounds Now click SAVE thats right next to the boxes http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-203.jpg Now create a folder (You must create one) and name it soccerball or something http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-204.jpg Entity will pop up and say DONE when it is complete http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-205.jpg Now open up any Halo 2 map of your choice (for the tutorial I will be using Containment http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-206.jpg Now go to the bottom right corner and click BUILD http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-207.jpg Now find the place where you saved the soccerball http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-208.jpg Entity will pop up and say DONE when it is complete http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/717-205.jpg Now scroll down to a weapon of your choice (for the tutorial I will be using the magnum) http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3672/11av3.jpg Now after clicking Magnum go to Tools in the top right corner and click Meta Editor http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/2993/12ip9.jpg Now scroll down in the meta editor till you see a Blank called "Proj" http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1103/13rr6.jpg Swap that with the SoccerBall (which is now located in the BLOC tag) so it now looks like this http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1431/14zm5.jpg Now Click the Save button at the top of this page! http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/5844/19hn2.jpg Now Resign,Fix system Link and FTP then play! Tutorial made by iBotPeaches!
  10. I take no credit! [HALO 2] Warthog Neon’s Tutorial This is a tutorial, wrote by myself on how to give the warthog some pimpin’ new Neon lights for under your ‘hog. After releasing my Mitsubishi Lancer Skin I had my inbox filled with people asking how to give the warthog neon’s so I have made a tutorial that I hope you will all understand. I would like to note that ScottyGEE was the first to work out how to give the warthog under-car lights, so credit goes to him on his discovery. **Step One** Firstly , open your map in Insolence , go to the [ligh] tag, and find effectsobjectsvehiclesghostghost_plasma_vent as shown below http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/716-209.png Right click and hit Duplicate. After a second or two, you should see directly underneath it effectsobjectsvehiclesghostghost_plasma_vent2 – this is the light we’re going to use for our neons. Close Insolence for the time being. **Step Two** Now Open DotHalo, go to the [vehi] tag and find the warthog. In the dependency/reflexives window, find the dependency objectsvehicleswarthogattatchmentswarthog_hea dlights and change it to effectsobjectsvehiclesghostghost_plasma_vent2 using the drop down list, hit save changes in the dependencies window and it should now look like this: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/716-210.png Now look at the Tag Editor for the Warthog (Still in DotHalo) and set the Warthog Headlights (Actual Lights) to be ‘On’ and the Warthog Headlights (Effects on Ground/Walls) to also be ‘On’. We are now finished with DotHalo. **Step Three** Now it is time to choose the colour of your neon lighting, and the size of the area it will cover. For this we will use ADI as I feel it is the best application for editing lights in Halo 2. Open your map in ADI and find your ghost_plasma_vent2 meta in the [ligh] tag and click the Tag Editor button found at the bottom left of the application, assuming you have the correct plugins for ADI you should see a series of values as shown below: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/716-211.png Increase both Radian Values 1 and 2 to around 0.05 or whatever value you wish, I suggest 0.05 as it makes the light cover the entire area of the ‘hog like real neons. However if you want your neons to have more or less spread, edit this value accordingly. Now you can change the colour of your neon lights by editing the RGB Values. If you want green neons, change all the ‘Green’ Values to 1 then change the Red and Blue Values to 0. If you want Red neons, changes the ‘Red’ Values to 1 then change the green and blue values to 0. The same applies for any other colours. If you want colours other then Red, Green or Blue, for example purple, experiment with the RGB values… for purple I’d suggest a combination of Red and Blue, so set all the Red and Blue values to 0.5 and set the green values to 0. This should make purple neons. Once you’ve done this close ADI and move onto the next step. **Step Four** Now we need to change some markers so the light spawns under the ‘hog, not where the headlights are. Open the map in Insolence and go to the [mode] tag. Find objectsvehicleswarthogwarthog Click Edit, and click the ‘Marker’ Reflexive, the headlights are number 9 on the drop down list, select number 9 and then click ‘Coordinates’ and edit the ‘Y’ value to 0.001747948, the ‘X’ value to 8E-11 and the ‘Z’ value to -0.3428424 As show in the image below: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/716-212.png This now tells the game where to spawn your new neon lights, these coordinates are just under the hull of the warthog in the center, so the light shines evenly under the ‘hog. Close Insolence, Resign your map and FTP it to your Xbox, you should now have some sweet under-car neons for your Warthog… http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/716-213.jpg
  11. This is to make your Frag gernade to have a fire or flame trail behind it (like a fire Ball ) 1) First Open Your Map E.G Dune 2) OPen the Effects Tag 3) Locate effects/objects/granade/frag_gernade/smoke_trail and Open It 4) Change the prt3 to efects/fire/fire 5) Change the Phmo to effects/physics/fire 6) Resign Map
  12. I got this tut from halomods. Step 1: Open your map up in insolence and go to the [proj] tag and click on: objectsweaponssupport_highrocket_launcherprojectilesrocket make sure its highlighted and right click then select duplicate. now open you go back to the [proj] tag again and right under: objectsweaponssupport_highrocket_launcherprojectilesrocket you should see objectsweaponssupport_highrocket_launcherprojectilesrocket2 now close your map out of insolence. Step: 2 open your map in ADI the go to the [weap] tag and click on: objectsvehicleswarthogweaponwarthog_horn change BOTH the projectiles to: objectsweaponssupport_highrocket_launcherprojectilesrocket2 then null everything else out. then open your map up in dothalo and go to the [weap] tag and click on the warthog horn again go into tag editor window and go down the the bottom where the projectile is and click the dropdown window and click 0 then change the x,y, and z spawn coords to these X: 8E-11 Y: 0.000647948 Z: -0.4428424 then go back the the dropdown window and select 1 and do the same thing. Step 3: open your map up in dothalo again and go to your duplicated [proj] tag. and go to the tag editor and make your values look like these Glow Radius: 0 Damage Effect distance: 0 Projectile Life Distance: around 5 or so Life Span: around 5 or so now go to the dependencies window and null everything accept for the [jpt] tags Step 4: go to the [Jpt] tag and click on: objectsweaponssupport_highrocket_launcherdamage_effectsrocket_launcher_expl osion now go to the tag editor and set the values to these Minimum Damage: 0 Damage (min): 0 Damage(max): 0 Force: i put mine on 3 but you can experiment Stun Time: 0 Shake duration: 0 Shake Rotation: 0 Shake Movement: 0 now do the same thing for this one accept change force to 0: objectsweaponssupport_highrocket_launcherdamage_effectsrocket_launcher_impa ct now set everyting to 0 on this one but leave the bottom 2 trigger things alone. objectsweaponssupport_highrocket_launcherdamage_effectsrocket_launcher_trig ger and there you go your hog has hydraulics. to find out how to add another trigger just follow the tut on how to add secondary fire to any weapon and do the same thing but set the coords to werever you want the explosion to be.
  13. Golden Warthog First off, i'd just like to say that this is my FIRST tutorial, so I hope this helps all of you! I dedicate this to all the noobs of Halo 2 and all the people that helped me get the things I need to make this tut!!! This should help ALL the people that have wanted this for so long!!! So you've been wondering how to get that dang GOLDEN WARTHOG??? Well here is the first ever tutorial on how to make the Golden Warthog!!! (Or any other color you choose) First things first... You will need the following things: DotHaloDxtbmpUber Bitmap ToolAny Adobe Photoshop or Paintshop program (If you plan on not using the golden warthog .dds file I give you which will save you the trouble of coloring)A softmodded XboxA copy of the map you'll be modding on (I will use Containment for this tut) Lets get started: First open up the dothalo program and click file then open map and open up the map you'll be using, I will be using containment for this tut. It should look like this right now: Alright, from here, click the Bitmap tag and scroll down till you find a tag that says objectsvehicleswarthogbitmapswarthog_standard. Click it once then your screen should look like this(except mine has the golden warthog skin, yours will have the normal, don't worry, we'll get there): http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/699-219.jpg Now, click "Extract Bitmap" in that image of the warthog skin and save it in a clean folder so you can get to it quick, I suggest making a folder on your desktop called "Warthog Skins," but do whatever you want. Please make sure you save it with the SAME name that comes up: "warthog_standard" Also, make sure you recognize what format your pic is in, as you can see, mine is DXT2/DXT3 Now close dothalo and open up Dxtbmp. From there click file then open then the warthog_standard file you just saved. It should now look like this: Now you see that little box down on the middle right side all by itself with the little picture in it, thats the program that DXTBmp selects automatically to send your files to be edited. (Mine is Adobe Photoshop 7.0) If you don't want to use that program, simply click that button and find the program you want to use to edit your photos. Now in the DXTBmp click Image then Send To Editor. This will send it to the picture editing program you selected or the DXTBmp has picked automatically. It should now look like this(if you have adobe photoshop): Now from here you can just color or edit however you like. Now to save it. Save the file as norm.jpg or norm.jpeg, just make make sure its one of those two. (It doesnt have to be named norm it just has to have the .jpg or .jpeg. Also make sure you don't save over the regular warthog standard file that you saved earlier, you'll want it incase you wanna replace the modded warthog.) Now you can close your Photo Editing Program and open DXTBmp back up. From there, open the file you just saved, and it should then look like your modded warthog or whatever you skinned(In my case, the Gold Hog): This part IS IMPORTANT, SO PAY ATTENTION!!! Now, so you don't get lost, and all the noobs go, "I'm getting an error problem when I inject the bitmap," PAY ATTENTION! Remember when I told you to remember your Format, well now this is were it comes in handy. So now go to File, then click Save As then click DDS Texture Nothing else!!! Now name it warthog_standard and now look at your format, if its DXT1, click the save as type button and choose DXT1. If it's DXT 2/DXT 3, choose DXT 3, and if its DXT4/DXT5, select DXT 5. Now click save. Now close down DXTBmp. Open dothalo back up and open back up your map and go back to the Bitmap tag and open up the objectvehicleswarthogbitmapswarthog_standard again and you should be back to the 2nd photo. Now click Inject Bitmap this time and open up the file you saved from Dxtbmp and now your new skin will replace the old one. Now click Save Changes in the Tag screen and then click Fix Encryption. WHOO!!! Now you have the Golden Warthog!!!..... BUT WERE NOT DONE YET!!! Ha!!! Lol!!! Update: PLEASE READ!!! I forgot one crucial step. You see, instead of deleting the X,Y, and Z folders, which by the way, doesn't work and isn't true because it'll just show up again after you turn off your xbox, so I found the problem and here is the NEW step 9 Now go to your Uber Bit Map Tool program and open up your map. From there, find the tags for the vehicles, and when you see the objects/vehicles/warthog/warthog_standard, double click it. You'll see it disappear, thats a good thing, lol. You'll need to do this to make the file Internal instead of external. You NEED to do this for ANY one of the things you skin that are external. (If you look into the second picture you can see under the DXT2/DXT3 the location says External.) Now close that and go back into dothalo, then click save changes then click fix encryption, then resign the map with CMR. Now FTP your map back on and Enjoy!!! This whole tut WAS made by ME so, you do have permission to post it on other sites, just give ME the credit, thanks! Use this warthog dds file, if your lazy warthog_standard.rar
  14. fattwam

    ODST In MP

    Note: The ODST does not have animations for Dual Wielding! Step 1: Open Maps First, open Insolence. Now, open the multiplayer map in which you would like to play as an ODST. Also open any campaign map in which you encounter ODSTs. For this tutorial I will use beavercreek.map and 05a_deltaaproach.map. Step 2: Drag & Drop To bring the ODST into the multiplayer map, you only need to click and drag only one thing over, and that is the HLMT tag. Navigate to objectscharactersmarinemarine, left click once to select it, and then left click again on the tag and drag and drop it into beavercreek.map's tag-list window. Step 3: MoveBox Each time you drag & drop a tag, a small status box will pop up to give you information about what the program is doing while you wait. The longest part is usually "Relinking", but in this case it will be moving the sounds (that don’t work), and it may seem like it froze.. It didn't, it just has to do a lot of file reading & writing, so let it be. When the move is done, the box will go away. Step 4: Closing Unneeded Maps Now that you have copied the tags from the single-player map to the multiplayer map, you can close the single-player map (05a_deltaaproach.map) as you will not be needing it anymore. Step 5: Swap Masterchief's Object Properties Once all of the tags are in your multiplayer map, you do not need the campaign map anymore. Locate the masterchief_mp.bipd tag in your MP map, and double click the tag to open it. It should open with the IFP plugin to edit it. Under "Show", click on "visible dependencies". Find the Object Properties (hlmt) dependency; it should be on the top. Double click on its ID box and bring up the drop box. Scroll to the very bottom of the drop box and select "objectscharactersmarinemarine". Click somewhere in the empty area of the plugin to finalize the change. Close the masterchief_mp.bipd tag. Step 6: Setting the Permutation Navigate to the hlmt tag for objectscharactersmarinemarine, and double click the tag to open it. Once it's open, click on the text that says "Edit Mode". When you click it, it should switch to "Dev Mode". What we are going to do now is set the model and sound dependencies by changing a string and all udlg dependencies to "sounddialogcombatmasterchief". Now you click on the blue "all dependencies" text. Change the ÿÿÿÿ Tag Type to udlg, and change its dependency from “Nulled Out” to “sounddialogcombatmasterchief”. Now click the blue Variation reflexive. At the dropdown box, click on the down arrow and choose the next chunk (chunk 1). Now click on All Dependencies in the Variations section, and change "sounddialogcombatmarine_perez" to "sounddialogcombatmasterchief". At the dropdown box, click on the down arrow and choose the next chunk (chunk 2). Click "all dependencies" again and change the udlg dependency from "sounddialogcombatmarine_aussie" to "sounddialogcombatmasterchief". Navigate to the next chunk (chunk 3) and click "all dependencies", and change "sounddialogcombatmarine_timid" to "sounddialogcombatmasterchief" and do the same for the next chunk (chunk 4), go to chunk 4's "all dependencies" and change "sounddialogcombatmarine_cross" to "sounddialogcombatmasterchief", go to chunk 5, (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!) but BEFORE clicking "all dependencies", double click the value "odst_cky", and type in or scroll to "default" and then go to it’s All Dependencies, and change "sounddialogcombatmarine_aussie" to "sounddialogcombatmasterchief", go to chunk 6’s “all dependencies" and change “sounddialogcombatsgt_gruff” to “sounddialogcombatmasterchief”, go to chunk 7’s dependencies and change “sounddialogcombatsgt_cautious” to “sounddialogcombatmasterchief”, and by now you’ve probably realized that we’re switching all of the udlg references to the Masterchief’s, so do the same with the rest of the chunks (all the way up to, and including Chunk 13). Once complete, move on to the next step. Step 7: Fixing the Shield and Health Still in the HLMT tag, on the far left of the IFP plugin, click on “All Values”, and change the following values (in order of appearance): 6 to 5 4.5 to 2.8 2 to 1.8 Now, in the far left, below Variation, you should see a reflexive named Unknown 2, click that, and change the following values (in order of appearance): 100 to 45 4 to 10 2 to 5 0.25 to 1 0 to 70 to energy_shield_thin_hum_masterchief [the second 0 below the stringid] to 5 [the third 0 below the stringid] to 2 0.5 to 0.2 Step 8: Fixing the Shaders and Effects In the plugin section for Unknown 2, click "all dependencies". Change the first Nulled Out shad dependency to "objectscharactersmasterchiefshadersmasterchief_plasma_shield_change_color_fp". Change the second Nulled Out shad dependency to "objectscharactersmasterchiefshadersmasterchief_plasma_shield_change_color". Leave the first Nulled Out effe as it is. Change the second Nulled Out effe to "effectsobjectscharactersmasterchiefmasterchief_shield_depletion". Change the last Nulled Out effe to "effectsobjectscharactersmasterchiefshield_recharge". Change the next Nulled Out shad dependency to "objectscharactersmasterchiefshadersmaterchief_overshield_fp", and change the remaining one to “objects objectscharactersmasterchiefshadersmaterchief_overshield". In the far left of the plugin part of the marine.hlmt tag, under "Show", click "all dependencies", and replace the first Nulled Out shad dependency with "objectscharactersmasterchiefshadersactive_camo". Close the tag. Step 9: Fix Encryption Select "Fix Map Encryption" from the Map Options menu, close the map, close Insolence and FTP it up to the Xbox
  15. 1st) delete any game types that u really dont use it helps alot 2nd) open up xplorer 360 and go to the part where u click t-data and it has all the maps but instead of clicking tdata click udata 3)i had my profile and my modz gamesave so i opened one folder that had something called slayer dont extract just the slayer but extract the entire folder to your desktop 4)open up sav3r and click open gametypego to the folder you extracted and open the slayer thing 5)edit it buy putting the name of the symbol, gun etc ex, for Modz gametype with a sticky on each side i would put [stick It]Modz[stick It] Stick it is the title of the sticky medal they have the pics and titles for you 6)dont click save gametype yet go back to the folder that Sav3r should have been in and double click the thing that says sign it should have an icon with the blue buildings it will flicker black and not say anything then go back to savr abd click save gametype 7)delete the old folder on xplorer 360 in udata and replace it with the one that you extracted the entire folder and the 3 things that should be inside if you want to edit your characters name extract the folder that says has a thing that says profile on the inside.......the folder is not called profile there is something on the inside called profile use the same steps for slayer editing
  16. ok frist things frist this took me a year of modding to figure out so plz leave some comments, Frist,open your map in insolence,open up a campaign map called delta halo,then go down to scenry and u should be able to c somthing that says Halo in it now click it and open up another map u want to put it on,then transfer it over and wait a few mins,once its done open up Entity and go down to weapons or the thing u put the weapons on map thing with and go and find a weapon u dont want ton the map then replace it with the halo in scenry file,then go into map viewer and agust it to were u can see weapons on the map and u should c a huge ring (which is the halo ring and put it were u want and save,resign and send to your xbox,heres a pic of it http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/689-225.jpg plz enjoy it
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