im gonna open this by request by someone but if flam starts again it will be once again locked, this topic is for "an explanation of halo 3 modding" not being banned from different sites.
its good to let new players rank up more fast but when your high i think it takes a little to long to rank up like i got my 50 in doubles and i was still captain grade 2 now im a major and i got my 47 in slayer and even though on this new account im not a brig yet there is still a big difference it takes a lot longer to rank up
do you know how many people have these modz bungie would have to do MASSIVE bannings to stop it and thats a somewhat big part of their online community, what they would probably do if they could would be to refresh everyones fileshare then ban anyone who starts and go from their
i think they do but some reasons why people don't post is cause they have nothing to say lol but in the case of a Sig i don't see why they don't just say "looks good" or whatever even if their a total noob
Guardian Mod V1 Made by Nox13666 and ambi0 Post written up by fattwam of Features: -Shade Turrets -Elite Clones in bunches -Added Lights -Added Rocket Ammo -Fire in blue room at start -Monitor clones around Pictures: Videos fattwam's Video [youtube:38do2iai]C9_86hXtIR4[/youtube:38do2iai] or high defHere iBotPeaches Video [youtube:38do2iai]DxbE3IYQJ-U[/youtube:38do2iai] Or high def Here Download SLOT 2 Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun, and please don't post new topics in this forum. I'm taking every mod one by one and making a clean neat post like this. fattwam of and iBotPeaches of