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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Bring Back Coagulation Remove Push to talk Bring back BXR, BXB, RRX and RRXYYRRX and all the button combos well thats three im to lazy to type more
  2. this is turning into flam, and it looks really fake and probably was made in paint. if you have actually real proof that it works or your going to release or anything like that then post , its stupid to just say "oh look i have one and you dont" locked
  3. ya my idea was good lol
  4. lol yeah use H drive
  5. besides school and work theres ibotmodz and my other websites plus my proxy and friends and xbox live with halo 3 or whatever i fell like doing at the time
  6. yeah people are talking about this but i bet you its all ********
  7. [flash=600,200:2qrnjsza]http://www.brainybetty.com/FlashandSWish/FLash/welcome.swf[/flash:2qrnjsza]
  8. this is getting off topic closed
  9. fattwam


    closed video was removed and it was a virus
  10. fattwam


    i like pink
  11. lmao i read all of that , funny
  12. i sent you a PM
  13. oh someone else did it as well i took it down the first time
  14. whats the one that requires you to pay
  15. no they pay us
  16. yeah, about that....
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