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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. locked like i said in the end , its up to personal opinion
  2. fattwam


    yeah what a noob lol
  3. put it this way anytime you get something like this Scan it here - VirusTotal it will scan it with 32 different anti-virus's , or pm and send it to me and ill decompile the whole thing and tell you exactly what it is
  4. both because some blocks have filters that block pages that have the work proxy or ip or whatever word the school wants blocked , that why i didn't name it something with proxy in it , but they can also choose individual sites to ban
  5. i just got high score in click , cause there was a bug if you didn't click at all you got high score then just set macro to refresh fast as it can , then went to play halo for a few hours then come back
  6. like i said if it gets banned tell me
  7. if it gets banned tell me and ill make a sub-domain which should be unblocked
  8. don't start arguments on the site its all pointless in the end its up to personal opinion if this continues both get a warning, continues further a 1 day ban
  9. my little secrete
  10. i remember i set a macro to do it and i have like 300 billion points until peach added a negative sign in front of it all lol
  11. my proxy - http://www.NDBlocks.com
  12. i live in Canada (Ontario)
  13. oops he said brutes i thought he said elites
  14. fattwam


  15. why does MCM have to cheat
  16. i think some of the new members don't post cause they think their new and wont get good feed back. like some other sites you go to they don't say anything nice to anyone if your new and you need help they just tell you to go F*** yourself here we will help if you have a stupid or noob question it don't matter we will tell you whats whats, and try the best that we can to help you out and fix your problem. as long as you don't spam and advertise (basically follow all the rules) we have no problem at all.
  17. i agree with it , for the most part but it could have been better
  18. yep he has picked
  19. yep position has been filled now all you have to wait is for 2000 members , we are getting more and more popular now we are getting 20 - 30 people sign up each day, but i think once on the old site we have like 118 sign up in a day , but we are getting there
  20. we are getting any ware from 20 - 30 users a day
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