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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Was that picture taken just after he found out the news?
  2. If you have a Gamesave you would like to see in the database at launch, let us know!
  3. The bar at the top that has the tabs, can you code in a function to change the colour depending on the user's usergroup? ie; VIP: http://xeraxic.com/tempstuff/ibot/titlebarcolours/VIP.png Donor/+; http://xeraxic.com/tempstuff/ibot/titlebarcolours/Donor.png Admin: http://xeraxic.com/tempstuff/ibot/titlebarcolours/Admin.png
  4. Yet another good call by neowin.
  5. Just letting you all know we are still working hard on the update! Sorry for the wait!
  6. Still gonna have sniper shotguns.
  7. Im going to redesign the index page, and maybe start some php coding to clean up some URL's.
  8. Small design i'v been working on. Xeraxic And a poster i made with the photos i took from my end of term college show; http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/4527/zuneposter.png
  9. Merry Christmas! We are close to releasing an incremental update!
  10. Hdd and USB Support are being added in the new update, along with 3 new tools.
  11. hey.. his name is reachmodder. he has to be legit. It's like the rules of the internet.
  12. Forums are now running Invision Power Board.


  13. I know i quit, but i couldn't let this site go without saying thanks to pretty much everyone here. So, Thanks guys, it's been gooooooood.
  14. Updated the Halo Reach map im making. Now supports Big Team Battle, in addition to invasion.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Twis7eD


      Looks pretty cool. What's modded?
    3. gruntmods


      nothing, you cant mod reach usermaps atm.
    4. Twis7eD


      Ooops. Completely read the status wrong. Thought it said .map
  15. I checked all the files in DLC downloader, they should all work now. If you have a problem email me: gruntlord6@gruntmods.com
  16. Xerax is no longer on the team. We have found a suitable replacement. I am pleased to welcome someairforcedude to the team.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gruntmods


      I can post the message if you want.
    3. jmdalmighty
    4. gruntmods


      I'm done. This scene is ******* dumb and i quit. Here is the entire source so far.


      Sorry, and goodbye.

  17. Rogue Modder

    sad day

    THIS.... IS..... MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. We are working hard on a community gamesave database! Get your saves ready!
  19. Then press save.
  20. I only want it for joyride and the dashboard/zune features.
  21. Want to learn how to use the screenshot extractor? Enjoy shaky camera work? Watch this tutorial by our project lead! http://bit.ly/bx0lRu
    1. gruntmods


      that guy is mentally unstable
  22. New tools in progress. Can't say anything else without spoiling the surprise, let's say we reused some code from Dlc downloader ;)
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