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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Wasn't that haloduud?
  2. Whats a mod?
  3. Nice signature and shit.
  4. l2windowsphone.
  5. Just another idea for quotes. Maybe give the div ".blockquote" class the css "border: 1px solid #808080;" Before: http://u.xrax.me/QRO5ML.png After: http://u.xrax.me/U_4SFI.png
  6. sup. IE9/10 is good. stop yo hatin. Tweeted to the guy I know that works on IE in the UK. edit: he replied.
  7. Mother of god...
  8. Give #a0a0a0 a go.
  9. Sadly non exist.
  10. Kinda bug, if you hover over a sub-menu. The text goes black, which is hard to read on the blue; http://u.xrax.me/I4_T4H.png
  11. Rogue Modder


    late hi!
  12. Nice to see some H3 modding still going on. Gotta say I really like those.
  13. I really like it Peaches
  14. Awesome, thanks.
  15. What's the name of the Plugin that you use for posting notifications (automatically) when a post is made?
  16. Never delete that shit. Back it up!
  17. I actually like it with sound effects. Hope they ship both versions.
  18. Update out; **Change Log** v1.0.0.0 - Added Updater - Added Enable Debug v1.1.0.0 - Added FPS Editor - Removed some Debug Code
  19. Oops, forgot to remove some debug stuff. I'll add some more features tomorrow and push an update.
  20. http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/post/0.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/post/1.png CEXPatcher, was developed by Me (Xerax) to aid kiddies in patching their CEX xex's to enable feautres or remove checks. It is 100% open source under GPLv2, so feel free to download the source nad poke around in it. http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/post/2.png - Xerax: Backend Code/GUI/Research - iBotPeaches: (Debug Mode)Research - DeadCanadian: (Debug Mode)Research And we would also like to thank; - MasterChafe: Testing - Renegade: Testing - Xbox Chaos Community - 343i - Bungie: For being kickass, and leading the way in FPS's over the last 10 years. http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/post/4.png Q: I get an exception when i drag me xex on the form, it says it's "not uncompressed". whatdo? A: Well, that means it either isn't a valid Halo CEA xex, or it hasn't been decompressed. (To decompress it, check the readme with the application). Q: I get exceptions saying I don't have the correct file permissions? A: Make sure you are running the application as Administrator. http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/post/7.png http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52hptT-8S88 http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/post/6.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/images/1.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/images/2.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/images/3.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/images/4.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/cexpatcher/post/5.png Xeraxic - Download
  21. Lmao, just looked in IDA. I tried poking this offset so many times. Didn't try button mashing after though.
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