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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. nahh. It was "Yes Man". Common, the clue was in the name
  2. "yes"
  3. Not a single red X for me.
  4. rename it to .cab/.rar/.zip ect. open it in winrar, powerISO try loads of clients
  5. Peaches, just block emails with mail.ru extension.
  6. http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/topic/394636-tut-creating-rapid-fire-hex-codes ye.
  7. sup.
  8. I loved the Zune UI on the player but since they didn't sell Zune or Zune HD's in the UK i was stuck with my iPhone. But then, when then WP7 came out, i got that since my contract upgrade was due. wow, best phone ever.
  9. I don't really. Since this started off as a school project haha. But im learning more and more about HTML, CSS and PHP every day with my current project.
  10. 24 days to dry? typo, i hope.
  11. 24 days to dry? typo, i hope.
  12. i did infact after posting that image, see something wrong in the URL's. IE9 seems to have fixed it auto. ;o
  13. Weird, fine for me; http://xeraxic.com/tempstuff/ibot/fineforme.png clear cache?
  14. Which webpage is that from? Because it just seems i used "\" and not "/" lmao. and http://xeraxic.com/software/dlLib/getappstats.php should now be working.
  15. if you are talking about http://xeraxic.com/Images/software/web/home/sub-app-2.png nahh, placeholders. i havn't made any more php apps lmao
  16. Ahh, i saw that on the API wiki, but im very new to PHP. so i had no idea what todo with it. Thanks Update: I'm getthig this error; "Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in ***/reachstats.php on line 49" How are you calling the function?
  17. the Reach API returns a object for emblum, but i want a string (url string). How do i convert the object into a string. (lack of debugging in PHP gets on my tits). Alex.
  18. Thinking of getting a vps. What do you guys think?
    1. iBotPeaches


      Don't host with my previous company.
    2. gruntmods


      this isnt his status, he still has it setup to post anything on the Grunt Modder twitter feed.
  19. Did you put bones in for boob jiggle? D:
  20. Dam, thats really good organic modeling!
  21. Yeah .Net 4.0 It uses silverlight (with Metro UI templates) or XNA 4.0 for games. Much more powerful for gaming imo.
  22. oshit, you noticed.
  23. http://xeraxic.com/ http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/6903/indexgk.png Any bugs, please do email/pm/post here. Thanks, Xerax.
  24. provider: o2 os: Windows Phone 7 phone Model: HTC HD 7 texts: Unlimited calls: 600 mins internet: 500mb (>.>)
  25. wow. how the..
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