Update released ;x [RC2 -] #Fixed Saving of shorter gamertags/service tags #Editing gamertags now updates in treeview #Fixed error in updater #Now saves Rally Point data in campaign films #Now saves map location in campaign films #Fixed error with helmets not saving sometimes Use the built in updater under "Options".
http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/2403/releasebp.png http://xeraxic.com/software/posts/about.png Coded By: Xerax Research By: Xerax/Tzeentch1 Coding Time: 2 Days Language: C# Price: Free http://xeraxic.com/software/posts/desc.png Edit armour/gamertag's/servicetag's/armour colour's of players in a film from Halo Reach, with ease. http://xeraxic.com/software/posts/thanks%20to.png Mojobojo: MojosIO Tzeentch1: Initial Research http://xeraxic.com/software/posts/images.png http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/8076/96885740.png http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/6200/47014791.png http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/5584/82831450.png http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8388/70456716.png http://xeraxic.com/software/posts/faq%20qna.png Q: I edited the film and nothing changed A: Well, there are a few things you need todo. 1) Make sure you are connection host. 2) Make sure you are in a Xbox Live Lobby (Not local/SysLink) If it still fails try again on another film. This is sometimes a faulty method. Sorry. Q: I did all that it just won't change... A: Sometimes a film just won't work, try agian later/again and it may. This method sometimes just doesn't work. http://xeraxic.com/software/posts/download.png Binary & Source (No mirrors thanks, i like to be able to track downloads..)
343 are idiots. Their staff leaked a video form inside the studio of the maps. lmfao. They post it on PNET.. Before they even announced it. ugh. fail. Atleast the maps are good, haha.