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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. I posted a tutorial on forcing host awhile back.
  2. Um.. Wow?
  3. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18981-461.jpg Ummmm.... My favorite color is green!
  4. If i'm on i'll help. add air sweeney
  5. Wake boarding is awesome. Try it.
  6. Legacy you nub... I fell for your sig
  7. Sweeney

    iii KaMi iii

    Why Did You Captilize Every Word In Your Post?
  8. Needlers, or pink thunder as I call it, are pro.
  9. Im pretty sure I sprained my wrist. I got tripped while I was running today and went down hard. So I have it wrapped up for now. Anyone have any ideas and what else I should do?
  10. Make the Banshee like it was in H2. And nade launching.
  11. Run around screaming " I HAS TEH RECON!!!!!!!!!!" Then maybe get some orange juice....
  12. Count me in.
  13. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17754-554.gif Heehee. I love it. CnC?
  14. Maybe your USB port is messed up?
  15. Well banning them won't make them stop modding. If anything those people should make more and more mods.
  16. Sweeney


    Ehhhhh, looks kinda stupid to me. But I haven't seen it.
  17. Sweeney

    xbox live

    Is it a silver?
  18. Lmao. epic fail. Look what Peach posted - http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.ph ... osx#p15773
  19. Haha. The Air wasn't built for speed. It's just a laptop for your average person who doesn't need all that speed. And! If Windows computers are so good, why aren't people installing the mac os on their computers?
  20. Which is why most major musicians, movie producers, and photographers use macs right teabagger?
  21. 1) Google "MFC42D.ddl" 2) Click it 3) Install it
  22. Wow that guy is a good filmer. We can do the rest today.
  23. Great job on finally doing some new stuff. I love the waterfall one. I love it so much it just might be the intro to my montage.
  24. Great, now all the immature people can ruin all this for us.
  25. Forget what Teabagger said. I was in the same situation when we were modding H2. You can look for java modding programs. But its very unlikely that any will come out for H3. So your best bet is to install xp. and MACS FTW!!!
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