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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:18 PM): hi Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:18 PM): are you detox? Brandon says (5:19 PM): yes Brandon says (5:19 PM): lol Brandon says (5:19 PM): no Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): you have a map signer? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): damn Brandon says (5:19 PM): yes Brandon says (5:19 PM): i do Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): who are you then Brandon says (5:19 PM): i am Brandon says (5:19 PM): you!! Brandon says (5:19 PM): ahhh Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): are you. detox. Brandon says (5:19 PM): sure Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): ... Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): can i has map signer? Brandon says (5:19 PM): yup Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): so.. Brandon says (5:20 PM): one sec lemme find it Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:20 PM): why are you just releasing it out Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:20 PM): and can is ee a video of a mod you made? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:20 PM): with the signer Brandon says (5:22 PM): lol Brandon says (5:22 PM): i love relasing the map resigner Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:22 PM): lol why Brandon says (5:23 PM): cause i am who ever you think i am Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): O.o? Brandon says (5:23 PM): detox Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): youre not detox... Brandon says (5:23 PM): yes Brandon says (5:23 PM): i mean no Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): ... Brandon says (5:23 PM): maybe Brandon says (5:23 PM): o.O Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): so Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): can i have the map signer? Brandon says (5:23 PM): do you have aim? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): yes why Brandon says (5:24 PM): nvm Brandon says (5:24 PM): umm Brandon says (5:24 PM): lol Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): ... Brandon says (5:24 PM): uhh Brandon sends: Brandon says (5:24 PM): there Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): lol Brandon sends: Sending of "OMG VRIUS IN A TEXT DOC AHH!.txt" to Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] has failed. Brandon sends: Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): lol Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): why is it a text file Brandon says (5:24 PM): it just looks like a uhh text doc Transfer of "Map Resigner.txt" is complete. Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): Brandon says (5:25 PM): lol Brandon says (5:25 PM): dude you know that legacy guy? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): yes Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): why Brandon says (5:25 PM): Xx Legacy xX or something? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): yes.. Brandon says (5:25 PM): he is beasy Brandon says (5:25 PM): beasty* Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): k.. Brandon says (5:25 PM): i would @#%$ him Brandon says (5:25 PM): would you? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:26 PM): no Brandon sends: Sending of "Map resigner.PNG" to Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] has failed. Brandon says (5:28 PM): nuke do you auchully want it? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:28 PM): yes Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:28 PM): ? Brandon sends: Transfer of "Resigner.zip" is complete. Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:29 PM): ... Brandon says (5:29 PM): loook inside Brandon says (5:30 PM): hey nuke? did you look don't release it though ok? Brandon says (5:31 PM): wow you are no funn Brandon says (5:31 PM): and i was just about to give it too you to >.< this is what was inside the .zip http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300/photo_man_photos/Mapresigner.png lol, nukelear you are way to upsessed with galo I LOVE @#%$ING WITH PEOPLE :D
  2. I got mad at my mousy so i took the cord and then smashed it over the wall its dead, and in pieces... it was my favorite mouse but i have another one -Legacy
  3. same i am just posting scenes of it on youtube and dedicating them to ibotmodz
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfpbY5FU4GU...;watch_response lol comment
  5. dyinghero dont be a dyinghero be a living hero be with me and MeLo on the vast journey to free iBotModz from its Halo clutches xD join us o.O lol. -Legacy
  6. omfg no, make people desrve vip not from just spamming, can i get it threw your head. We have a tryout section, and you post a topic saying why you deserve vip and why you think you deserve and what you done for the site not posts
  7. yes, xD people will pay for it xD i will xD, lol lemme set up a paypal xD (i will be back later in tha afternoon)
  8. omg yayyayayyayayyayay
  9. bump so peaches can find and maybe consider for new site, you can delete this post once you see idc -Legacy
  10. we all love melo, and we should afflight with iMedia should we not ? because we love everyone and great job melo and currently working on a skin -Legacy
  11. Thanks for the support in this idea and peaches do you like?
  12. Xx Legacy xX


    Happy as hell, do you mind me asking whats gonna happen to some of the hackers?
  13. both are good i personally like the first one better try more of this stuff even make some abstract. -Legacy
  14. i would but i cant ban, anymore if i may can i make a suggestion, who ever is hacking accounts is a total lifeless @ssH#$% and we should make it so you can only have 5 tries to log in if they are using password finder xD
  15. WOW this actually took a long time xD http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32205-5.png yay, its going in smokies contest EDIT: if you cant see all of it click this http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300 ... 1215636679 http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300 ... 1215636679 http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300 ... 1215636679 http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300 ... 1215636679 http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300 ... 1215636679
  16. Hey fiend!! whats up what ever happen to halo vids your web site that where i learned how to mod xD......then it closed down i uploaded the dash to my post for you, whats been happening? just delete all files in your C drive and move all these on (if you do not know how to) and this is just the MS DASH, ftp it over it should work but i dont know, but i dont think it can hurt anything tell me if it works wait never mind it was on the site http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=221 hey check out my gears of war montage in the 360 games section
  17. Well i say everyone looses it then each person will haft to say why he or she deserves it etc... so there is no argument when some people get taken off of vip sound ok? and there will be a tryout section
  18. BTW, you were one of the people i think deserves VIP and thanks for all the support in the suggestion -Legacy
  19. tamk you, i never embed because i want comments and subscribers, thx
  20. viewtopic.php?f=117&p=31980#p31980 links to it in the gow section
  21. This is my one day montage it took me 5 matches to make. sorry if it was short xD lol one montage in 5 matches pretty cool xD http://youtube.com/watch?v=f3DbO52ATWg -Legacy
  22. I dont know how many times i have suggested this, vip should be given to people who auchully do good for the site not who can get 200 f*cking posts it causes more spam, and alot of members who dont have 200 posts deserve vip and members who do have 200 do not which i hate i dont know how many times i have suggested this -Legacy
  23. i tried to blend it xD lol it didnt work to well
  24. i like the animated sig gj YAYYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAyaYyAYYAyaYAYAYAayAyayAY my motivational pic would say "Cheese, Its milk that you can eat"
  25. Xx Legacy xX


    Yay i brought you back didnt i good work though Stay ! ! =Legacy=
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