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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. This is alot more attainable then 1000. Thanks. If it is this attainable remove all current VIP's and make them re-earn it. The true VIP's will be able to do this no problem. Just a thought.
  2. So..... We can have any color??? Can I see some pics?
  3. AMAZING MOVIE. IM GONNA GO SEE IT AGAIN LIKE TOMMOROW. it was soooo crowded and i had to sit in the front row but it was still great. The Primes are kickasss.
  4. STFU noob. jk. BUT NOT WHEN YOU DO IT LIKE ME... Some examples of tuts are: How to set up an IRC server How to make an IRC Botnet How to spread an IRC bot The new T3 bot *Which is now being sold at 400{its an autospread bot} How to root a website How to do RFI *Not completely rooted UNIX How to do UNIX How to SWAT people How to call in accounts How to get free MS Points How to send people tampons in the mail How to set up PI and other RAT's How to set up Metus
  5. We need a PUBLIC Unethical/Hacking Section. I know there is one in VIP, but how do I contribute to it when I'm not VIP?? I have many great stuff to post. Or just give me VIP back so I can post it in the VIP section.
  6. V3NOM


    Guys stop. Hes been saving up for a year.... Or someone took a picture of there money and he photoshoped that piece of paper on it.
  7. It all depends on the source and the programmer. If the programmer wants to release the source, then he can. Open source also allows it to be modified to make it better. But it can also be wrongly modified. So I say both.
  8. How about this. You respect him because I said so. K?
  9. Does it matter? I also have root on there too.
  10. V3NOM

    1337 bot

    I r 1337 HaXoR that damnn bot. He is just looking agt me the wrong way.
  11. Some of your quotes are dumb, but the XDansomee one is epic and 100% real. So I say 4/10
  12. Link sucks. Upload it somewhere else.
  13. No... Codes. at <4 times less than what xbox charges.
  14. Im selling 4000 point codes and 12+1 month membership codes for $15 paypal. Here is how i get it so cheap. I have 2k working Amazon accounts and they have a deal where you can buy codes online..... The codes are 100% legit. If there is a trust issue i can send the code first. But I know you guys and wouldnt jiip you. Just post here if your interested. Thanks, *Edit* Im willing to sell bundles of 10 codes pick and choose for $50 paypal. ** Im willing to sell Amazon accounts too. About $25 per each account. Each account yeilds about 6 codes. Also doing bundles of 10 accounts for $100.
  15. Can there be multiple entrees?
  16. woot. Congrats, again? i though ive posted her before...... Now V3NOM for SuperHackers group!!!!! Color: Silver And I'm the only one who can control who else can be a SuperHacker.
  17. I'm in. I r 1337 halo 3 screenshot maker!!1
  18. bye bye Sorry you dont like me.....
  19. Can I haz VIP??
  20. Have a random picture post it here. I <3 this one is inapropriate. soz. http://scareo.com/images/brownlady.gif http://www.villiard.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/lol-cats.jpg http://www.lolcats.com/images/u/07/24/lolcatsdotcomvpvo45lw3m530p50.jpg
  21. http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Other/Features/Top%207/2008-02-11%20bad%20guys%20ydw2%20kill/PikminFin--article_image.jpg TheEazyB
  22. DO ME!!! puh lease?
  23. Slipi Stream is also an X-Men Character
  24. I saw the new batman movie. Then I changed it to BaTMaYNe. Then I saw a tut on how to make a venom sig and I changed it to V3NOM
  25. Horrible editing. Horrible gameplay. You need to stop trying to be "MLG PRO" and a "Machinima Maker" cause you suck at both.
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