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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. welcome to the site!
  2. No dropped calls here in canada on rogers, but I can't wait to drop both rogers and this crappy iphone for an android, likely a nexus s on Wind Mobile.
  3. gruntmods

    Nintendo Wii U

    That was my point
  4. It isn't that good. Trust me.
  5. gruntmods

    Nintendo Wii U

    I find it unlikely they wouldn't make it so you can use more. Good luck to third party controller clones though
  6. gruntmods

    Nintendo Wii U

    I expect them to be sold at no profit, not at a loss. There's also word that you can only use 1, but most of that is speculation based on one thing that was said.
  7. gruntmods

    Nintendo Wii U

    That doesn't involve Nintendo making any profit, but I'm sure they will on the system and games, so they need to make the controllers affordable to sell more consoles.
  8. My hero.
  9. Its his only post, so my first thought was spam, then 360 confused me.
  10. Nokia is a cell provider? I thought they just made handsets.
  11. no? do you? You must since you brought it up.
  12. gruntmods

    Nintendo Wii U

    An engineer for embedded systems told me it would only cost about 50$ to make.
  13. yea, who needs food and shelter?
  14. Steam works a lot better then Live at almost everything.
  15. When I use it with steam the cloud copy doesn't work right, and basically overwrites my newer save file and config.
  16. Cloud storage sucked in practice on steam, I hope MS did it better.
  17. this is the place you want to be. Enjoy your stay.
  18. Its ok, not like we care about him anyway, hes been banned like 12 times.
  19. not if he was smart and asked for a "gift" payment.
  20. I still trust him more then you.
  21. When I swat someone it involves me hitting them in the head, works better.
  22. wow
  23. People just wouldn't visit the forum, peaches has been over this before.
  24. The last patch fixed the lag issues I believe, I don't lag on it anymore either.
  25. Try this: http://www.sagernotebook.com/index.php?page=product_info&model_name=NP5160 cheap and good for pretty much everything, light gaming included. You might even be able to run GTA IV, but its such a bad port that even a 5000$ computer might lag on it.
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