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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. What Software do I need?
  2. khaosmaster hosts websites. you should ask him if he will host yours.
  3. R.O.B, Olimar, Lucario
  4. since this topic is bumped back into existance, i would like to point out you can mod on xbox live now without getting banned, mm auto boots you within a minute however
  5. wish i could view screenies here at school, but it sounds hard to use anyway. so it models collision too? Perfect pelican anyone?
  6. Im buying an xbox 1 and getting it modded, can you list the things I need software wise to play halo 2 on my hdd with AI mods?
  7. Stop putting him down just stop. Its his money, so let him do what he wants with it.
  8. Cant he just download the one map, then only agree to do the one map?
  9. gruntmods

    L4D DLC

    im going to buy the pc version for the sdk.
  10. gruntmods


    plus its faster. It also does films now.
  11. can you make campagin saves yet? If not just say.
  12. Halosource post generator works great at this kinda thing.
  13. You ubnub stoop Z spamminggs, wit yo 1 wurdz.
  14. Yea well I have 108!
  15. i acn has campagin saves?
  16. Opps, didnt notice you, i was talking about dark.
  17. Your right, I don`t. But I can get that. But your right off topic, back to paying 5 dollars for a gamesave
  18. if he actually gets a kit I can provide those.
  19. did you mean to edit that?
  20. use avast to scan.
  21. UPDATE: its the avalanch hornet.
  22. also at bnet they said the transport hornet is the avalanche version. I hope its a hornet with more armor and no weapons.
  23. wow that sucks.
  24. I was being sarcastic, I know gabe from other sites.
  25. nice eagle eye reference.
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